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IKEA: A Gift from Above - International Student Lowdown

Sep 08, 2017

Calling all student who live out-of-town!

I want to take you on an adventure. A mythical place filled with meatballs, arguments between couples, and stuffed kangaroos that you don't need but want. Yes, IKEA is the place I'm referring to. As you think about coming to Edmonton, remember that you don't need to pack everything--you can buy stuff when you get here! On one of the first weekends of the semester, our lovely RA's and Residence Director will take you on a mini road trip to IKEA so you can stock up on everything you'll need for the year ahead. Here are a few must-have essentials you don't need to bring from home:

1. Towels

IKEA has awesome towels! There are so many different colours, sizes, and textures to choose from!

2. Bedding

This can be really bulky and a hassle to pack and re-pack. So instead of forgoing clothes for bedding, pick up a new bed-set at IKEA and colour coordinate with your new towels. You're also never too old for a blankie! IKEA has really cute blankets you can take with you to 501 (our movie lounge) or to your 8 a.m. classes! 

3. Lamps

Lamps can transform a space! Get a cute floor lamp to change the atmosphere of your room or a cute bedside lamp to have on when you're snuggled up in bed keeping warm during the freezing winters. 

4. Dishes

These simple essentials can use up a lot of the 23kg Air Canada allows you to have on the plane. So how about you treat yourself to some new bowls, mugs, and glasses for the newest chapter of your life. 

5. Plants

Another way to make your room feel more homey is to add some greenery. Bringing these with you can be difficult, and if you're coming from abroad, plants don't have passports with which to cross the border with! But never fear, IKEA has some really cute potted plants that aren't expensive, and they even have fake plants that are impossible to kill! ;) 

IKEA is one of the best places to go for affordable ways to decorate your room! Don't worry about trying to pack everything all at once because you can get stuff once you're here. Happy packing! 

xoxo, Gossip Girl 

J.K. It's Becky

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