Support King's

Be part of creating an amazing university for future generations of students; your siblings, friends, children, someone you've never met! Together we can further meaningful Christian university education and experiences at King's.

Support King's with a monthly gift

Monthly giving is an easy and helpful way to support King’s! Your monthly support encourages us and our students. Even $10 a month makes a difference.

Gifts can be directed to a program area that you're passionate about (i.e. social sciences, music, or athletics,) or you can choose to give towards King’s Stewardship Fund which supports areas where the need is greatest.

Sign up for monthly giving


Support King's with your time. Stay up to date on upcoming events. Contact Alumni Relations if you are interested in volunteering.

Send us your ideas

We love your feedback! If you have ideas on how we can serve you better, don't hesitate to contact Alumni Relations.

Make a donation to King's

Support King's by making a donation. Christian universities rely on the financial support of a wide network of donors. Contributions in any amount are appreciated.