Project highlights
- 2024 construction start
- 40,000 square-foot expansion of our science facility
- New labs and classrooms for research and learning, including new facilities for the health sciences
- Two new science programs
- Room to accommodate a projected doubling of students in the natural, health and social sciences over the next ten years
Providing space for exciting new opportunities

Advancing innovation
Housing the latest in research equipment and tech, the Centre will be a place for discovery and collaboration between disciplines. New labs and learning spaces will open new opportunities for advancing research and training the next generation of leaders in the sciences.

Expanding our reach
Two new degree programs will be added to King's existing offerings. A new major in the health sciences will serve as an important addition to King's academic programs and commitment to renewal in all things.

Promoting sustainability
The Centre will be a hub for sustainability research. With a newly granted Transitions to Sustainability Canada Research Chair, the centre will enhance support and coordination for sustainability work happening across disciplines at King's.
New facilities for teaching and learning
Building on a legacy of excellence
From the very first biology courses offered at the university in 1979, academic quality has been a core priority for science education at The King's University. Since then, King's has developed numerous programs across the sciences and undergraduate research is a particular strength of the science programs at King's. Faculty are active scholars and intentionally build in opportunities for student involvement.
Natural and Social Science Disciplines at King's
Recent faculty research involving undergraduates
Dawe, D.A., Peters, V.S., and Flannigan, M.D. 2020. Post-fire regeneration of endangered limber pine (Pinus flexilis) at the northern extent of its range, Forest Ecology and Management 457(2020) 117725:1-12.
Maniraguha, L. & Looy, H. (2020). Animal-assisted therapy: A scoping review of outcome research and clinical standards. Research report for The Canadian Foundation for Animal Assisted Support Services.
Brosseau, D. C., Rogers, L., Tulloch, S., Waldbauer, C., & Ferber, M. (2020, June). Student perspectives on barriers to postsecondary support services. Paper presented at the virtual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)
A. Britton and L.A. Martin-Visscher. Analysis of the gene cluster encoding the two-peptide bacteriocin CbnXY. Undergraduate Research in Science Conference of Alberta, Virtual (Zoom), 2020

"The Centre for Excellence in the Sciences will build on the amazing success we've seen from King's natural, computing and social science programs. It will propel these programs forward and provide new opportunities to branch out into the health sciences."
Dr. Melanie Humphreys,
"Building a more just, humane and sustainable world is King's vision. These words continue to move off the page of aspirational statements to shape and ground what happens here each and every day."
Dr. Peter Mahaffy,
Professor of Chemistry
Expanding our partnerships and collaborations
King's commitment to good relationships with community, industry and academic partners will be further prioritized through the Centre for Excellence in the Sciences and existing programs like Community Engaged Research and King's Centre for Visualization in Science.
Below is a partial list of affiliations, partnerships, memberships, directorships, advisories and networks where King’s faculty and staff serve in an official capacity:
- Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
- Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society
- Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference - Sustainability
- Alberta Conservation Association
- Alberta Council on Women’s Shelters
- Alberta Introductory Biology Association
- Alberta Parks
- Parks Canada
- Alberta Society of Professional Biologists
- American Chemical Society Presidential
- Committee on Climate Science
- American Scientific Association
- Association for Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
- Association for Research in Vision and Ophthamology
- Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta
- Calvin Centre for Christian Scholarship
- Campus Alberta Quality Council
- Canada Research Chair
- Canadian Association for Computing Science
- Canadian Association of Geographers
- Canadian Astronomical Society AAPT and AAAS
- Canadian Chemistry Chairs
- Canadian College and University Environmental Network
- Canadian Food Grains Bank
- Canadian Mathematics Society
- Canadian Psychological Association
- Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation
- Canadian Society for Ecological Economics
- Chemical Institute of Canada
- Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
- Citizens for Public Justice, Toronto
- City of St. Albert Environmental Advisory Committee
- Climate Change Working Group, Mennonite Church Canada
- Committee for Contact with the Government - Christian
- Reformed Churches of Canada
- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada
- Creating Hope Society (Edmonton)
- Ecological Society of America
- Edmonton Father Involvement Network Steering Committee
- Environmental Studies Association of Canada
- Global Scholars Canada
- IEEE Computer Society
- Immigrant Men’s Support Network (Edmonton)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- International Association for Impact Assessment
- International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education
- International Council of Science
- International Society for Theoretical Psychology
- International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- Laurentian Leadership Centre, Ottawa
- Metabolistics
- National Father Involvement Steering Committee
- National Sciences and Research Council
- Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- SHIFT – Engaging Men and Boys in the Prevention of Domestic Violence
- Social Action Commission - Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
- Society for Personality and Social Psychology
- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
- Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
- Society of Conservation Biology
- Syncrude
- Terra Association (Edmonton)
- The American Scientific Affiliation
- The Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies
- The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society
- The University of Alberta Department of Renewable Resources
- Theory & Psychology Journal
- Transformative Theology Working Group,
- World Mission, World Alliance of Reformed Churches and World Council of Churches
- UNESCO International Year of Chemistry Committee
- Western Canadian Theoretical Psychology
- Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation
- Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science and Technology
- World Economics Association
- World Renew
- World Vision Canada