Use King's Student Cost Calculator

Step 1/3

Use King's Student Cost Calculator to help you determine estimated costs (e.g. tuition, living in residence), government financial aid, student awards and scholarships, and payment plans. You'll be surprised at how affordable King's can be!

Note, by proceeding with this tool you acknowledge the following:

  1. The results provided are intended as estimates only. While we do our best to ensure accuracy, The King's University is not bound by the results this calculator produces.
  2. Information entered into this calculator may be used for market research or to contact you directly. By proceeding with this tool, you acknowledge release of your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy, and provincial and federal statutes.
  3. This calculator makes calculations based on common award, loan, and grant programs. Other external awards and grants may be available to you based on your unique circumstances.

See you on campus soon!

Step 2/3

Student Information

Step 3/3

Financial Information

Please enter your SAT scores:

Please enter your SAT scores:

Please enter your ACT composite score:

Contact Information

Scholarship Eligibility