Research Support Fund

The Research Support Fund (RSF) assists Canadian universities with the expenses associated with managing the research funded by the three federal research granting agencies: SSHRC, NSERC, and CIHR. The RSF reinforces the federal government’s research investment by helping institutions ensure that their funded research projects are conducted in exceptional facilities with strong administrative support.

Direct costs are borne by funding agencies, and these include costs for equipment, research assistant salaries, and research travel. However, in order to establish successful research programs, there are many indirect costs, including maintenance to labs and equipment, access to up-to-date knowledge and information, research management and administrative support, and knowledge transfer from academia to the private, public and not-for-profit sectors.

To maintain transparency, and to demonstrate the importance of the RSF program to our researchers, students, community members, and elected officials, an annual report is prepared and made public. The federal government requests that institutions report the use of funds in five areas of priority:

  • Research facilities
  • Research resources
  • Management and administration of an institution’s research enterprise
  • Regulatory requirements and accreditation
  • Intellectual property

For 2024-25, The King’s University is receiving a Research Support Fund grant of $103,534.00. King’s will allocate its RSF grant to the maintenance of research facilities (36%), research resources (9%), and the management and administration of the institution’s research enterprise (55%).