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Top 5 Movies/ TV Shows to Watch in 5:01

Sep 25, 2017

Hey there, future student!

Did you know that the King's Residence has its very own TV room! With over one terabyte of downloaded movies, Netflix, and cable TV, the 5:01 media lounge is a great place to relax, procrastinate, or even nap. But with so many different options you may be wondering what to watch. 

Here are our top five recommendations: 

Finding Dory

While studying for midterms, it can be easy to feel a little lost and forgetful. This makes it the perfect time to watch a movie featuring a relatable childhood protagonist. The greatest lesson from "Finding Dory" is that everyone has something to contribute and is valued, regardless of how forgetful or lost they feel. 

It’s Kind of a Funny Story

Mental health. It’s a real thing. One thing that can help start conversations and introduce coping mechanisms is watching realistic movies on the topic. "It’s Kind of a Funny Story" is a feel-good drama comedy with everyday characters. It’s perfect for those with or without experiences involving mental illness because it comes with an important message--having a mental illness does not mean you are any more unworthy of being loved or undeserving of happiness. 

Legally Blonde (The Musical)

If Elle can get into Harvard Law, then you can get through the semester. One of the most inspirational musicals of university life is the story of Elle’s rise from an aloof individual to case-winning lawyer. Hopefully this movie will help you recognize you have more potential than you realize!


No TV show captures the likeness of King’s more than "Community." The strange yet unforgettable campus events share an unreal likeness between the show and our campus. Did you know that the annual Residence event “Sock Wars” was actually based on this TV series? "Community" reminds us that any ragtag team of people can become lifelong friends, who all contribute in their own unique and inspired ways.


The final item on this list is the movie "Shrek" which tells the story of an ogre who tries to push everyone out of his life and remain distant to the world. His unwitting companion, Donkey, persistently tries to befriend Shrek and open him up to new people and experiences. By the end of the movie, Shrek is pushed out of his comfort zone, tries new things, meets new people, and eventually creates a small community of his own. Many people think that going to University can be a scary experience and so don't get as involved as they could. But if an ogre can make friends with a donkey, a gingerbread man, and a group of blind mice, then you can certainly make friends too! The unique community present on campus is something that sets King's apart from other institutions--so don't be an ogre--join a club, run for the students' association, or write for The Chronicle. If Shrek can do it, so can you!

Watching movies is a great way to take a study break or to chill with your new friends. Make sure you checkout 5:01 and feel free to use my list or discover new potential 5:01 favourites. 

Stay golden,

Marissa Hall

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