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ATCO & KCVS Partner to Teach Students about Energy

ATCO presents KCVS with $15,000 grant
ATCO presents KCVS with $15,000 grant

King's Centre for Visualization in Science (KCVS) has received a $15,000 grant from ATCO. The grant will fund the development of an interactive learning tool to explore the impacts of various forms of hydrogen as they pertain to Alberta's energy future. Although hydrogen is a colourless gas, it is often referred to as black, brown, blue, green, white, pink, or grey. These colours are part of a classification system that differentiates forms of hydrogen based on methods of production and overall emissions footprint.

Hydrogen has gained attention recently for its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by providing energy with a lower carbon intensity than fossil fuels. Measuring hydrogen's possible impact on climate change can be tricky, however, as the production of each form—or colour—results in different levels of greenhouse gas emissions. As the province seeks to establish more sustainable energy resources and infrastructure, scientists and industry professionals must carefully consider which colour of hydrogen to produce, and at what scale.

Once developed, this free digital learning resource will demonstrate how the introduction of mass hydrogen production will impact Alberta's energy infrastructure. Explaining the colours of hydrogen in an interactive and easy-to-use format will help the public better understand the factors that impact our energy future. The grant will also supplement funds for a student research position as well as professional development sessions for high school and university teachers.

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