Upcoming Changes to NEOS Borrowing

We're updating our Library Services Platform

In May 2025, the Simona Maaskant Library at The King's University will be launching a new Library Services Platform to help students, faculty, and staff search and find library resources.

Since 1995, the King’s University Library has been a member of the NEOS Consortium.  This has largely included a shared catalogue and user files allowing the easy exchange of library resources. However, due to evolving technology, this arrangement is no longer sustainable. To stay current with technological advancements and better serve our patrons, The King’s University Library is transitioning to a new generation of library software, a Library Service Platform (LSP), which will allow us to:

  • Improve access to King’s University Library materials
  • Expand the discoverability of and access to our library collections
  • Present print and electronic formats in a user-friendly manner
  • Explore new ways of sharing resources and collaborating in the future

NEOS libraries will continue to share physical items with each other using different means. All NEOS member's users are able to go to any NEOS library and register the King's library card and get an account at that library. Any holds, borrowing and returning is done directly with that library, no longer through King's library.

Changes to NEOS Shared Borrowing

There will be additional changes as we move through the LSP implementation. The most immediate is the departure of several NEOS libraries from the shared catalogue, MacEwan and Olds being the latest NEOS libraries to do so.  An updated list can be found below.

When a NEOS library leaves our shared catalogue:

  • Any holds placed on items from these libraries will be cancelled.
  • Checked out items from these libraries will not be renewable and will need to be returned by the due date. If returned late you may be asked to return them to the owning library.
  • NEOS libraries that have left the shared catalogue and are located within Edmonton will still allow their items to be borrowed by patrons outside of their library.  However, you will need to go to the library in person and create an account with that library.  Your King’s ID card and another piece of photo ID will be required.  Books borrowed from these libraries will need to be returned to them, not to King’s; King’s cannot check in or renew items from libraries that have left the shared catalogue.
  • If you wish to access items from NEOS libraries outside of Edmonton, please request them through our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. DO NOT sign in! As that has not been implemented. However, during the LSP transition, King’s will not be filling ILL requests for books.
  • These library locations will be removed from the system, so you will not be able to use them as a general pickup location for your holds.

When will libraries exit the shared catalogue?

Below, we will post the dates of when libraries will leave the shared catalogue as they become available. Here are dates we currently know about:

If you have any questions or concerns about the items you have borrowed or access to those collections, please send us an email to library@kingsu.ca.

Project Timeline

September 2024   

Work began on implementation at King’s

December 2024

New Interlibrary Loan process implemented

May 2025

Soft launch of King’s Library Services Platform

August 2025    

Full launch of King's Library Services Platform