Study Political Science at King's
Political science studies governance of public communities. Explore the workings of political institutions such as the state, executive, courts, and legislatures, and examine the role of citizens, interest groups, and public officials within the system as a whole.
Inside Political Science
Wrestle With Hot Topics
It's important to engage in good conversation about issues such as war, human rights, and individual freedoms. Take part in passionate discussions that will challenge you to articulate the underlying dilemmas of public life.
Integrate Political Thought
The basic principals of good governance that we hold to be true today were once radical and revolutionary ideas. By exploring key ideas and developments in Western political thought, you'll examine our modern political landscape with greater depth and understanding.
Integrate Faith
A thoughtful faith-based perspective, that respects the diversity of our society, is at the core of studying politics at King's. Christianity has been an incredible force in the development of political society over time. Studying politics requires you to contend with moral and ethical dilemmas—issues which your faith likely has a lot to say about.
Politics, History & Economics Program at King's
Want to dig deeper into political science? King's offers Politics, History & Economics, a multidisciplinary degree that engages three disciplines relevant to participation in the public sphere. Graduates from this program have gone on to pursue careers in government, law, civil service, and government-business relations.

"Trying out new ideas and finding different ways forward. That's what I appreciate the most about the culture at King's."