Study a Bachelor of Arts in Theology at King's

Immerse yourself in the varied and interconnected literature of scripture and the teachings of the Church over centuries. Explore questions about who—or what—God is and what it means to be a Christian today.

Inside this program

Dig Deeper

A Bachelor of Arts in Theology uncovers major themes in scripture and introduces you to the efforts of Christians throughout history to faithfully pursue truth.

Grow In Faith

Theology students reflect on the meaning of the gospel for their own lives and for all of humanity. By looking at Christianity next to other religions and worldviews, you'll discover its most unique and compelling characteristics. 

Apply Your Learning

Explore what Biblical literature has to say about contemporary topics such as political engagement, war and peace, gender and sexuality, and environmental stewardship.

Research Profiles

Nonviolence: The Revolutionary Way of Jesus Andrew Rillera Humanities & Social Sciences

In a unique narrative approach, Sprinkle begins by looking at how the story of God as a whole portrays violence and war, drawing conclusions that guide the reader through the rest of the book. With urgency and precision, he navigates hard questions and examines key approaches to violence, driving every answer back to Scripture. Ultimately, Sprinkle challenges the church to "walk in a manner worthy of our calling" and shape our lives on the example of Christ.

Faith Negotiating Loyalties: An Exploration of South African Christianity through a Reading of the Theology of H. Richard Niebuhr Stephen W. Martin Humanities & Social Sciences

Faith Negotiating Loyalties draws readers into the world of Christian faith in South Africa and the question of loyalties in the new post-apartheid state. It carries out its investigation in two parts. Part one examines Christian faith and loyalty during the first nation-building exercise following the South African War, positioning the creation and contestation of three Christianities corresponding to three nationalisms, each of which imagined South Africa in a particular way, shaping faith accordingly.

Resurrecting Justice Douglas Harink Humanities & Social Sciences

The theme of justice pervades the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Many turn to Old Testament laws, the prophets, and the life of Jesus to find biblical guidance on justice, but few think of searching the letters of Paul. Readers frequently miss a key source, a writing in which justice is actually the central concern: the book of Romans.

Decomposing Modernity: Ernest Becker's Images of Humanity at the End of an Age Stephen W. Martin Humanities & Social Sciences

This book reads Ernest Becker both as a prophet of modernity and as a sensitive observer of its decline. Situated within the disciplinary approach of 'theology of culture,' the book discerns in dialogue with Becker the contours of modern vision in its depth-dimension.

Facing the Truth: South African Faith Communities and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Stephen W. Martin Humanities & Social Sciences

The unique desire of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to turn its back on revenge and to create a space where deeper processes of "forgiveness, confession, repentance, reparation, and reconciliation can take place" reflects the spirit of some churches and faith communities in South Africa.