Study Psychology at King's

What causes people to do the things they do? Why do individuals respond so differently to similar events and circumstances? How does our society affect our thinking? By studying various facets behind thoughts, feelings, and experiences, psychology at King's explores what it means to 'be well' and 'be human.'

Inside this program

NEW! Bachelor of Science in Psychology

In addition to King's Bachelor of Arts in Psychology you can choose to study psychology as a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). The B.Sc. Psychology major digs deeper into the neuroanatomy and neuropsychology that defines human behaviour and emphasises scientific reasoning and discovery.

Delve Into The Human Mind

Study distinct topics in psychology such as psychological processes, sensation and perception, child psychology, and social psychology. Apply your learning through lab exercises, field trips, and volunteer work.

Understand Basic Principles Behind Cognitive Development

The mind is an incredibly complex thinking machine. Explore human cognition and the activities of our brain, including how thinking differs across cultures and ages.

Explore Psychological Health And Wellbeing

What does psychological wellbeing look like? When can we be certain that there is something abnormal or disordered in our thinking? As a psychology student, you will explore how physical differences in the structural and chemical makeup of our brains can lead to distress. You will also be introduced to clinical psychological practices that seek to remedy these conditions.

Research Profiles

Peet, C. (2019). ":Practicing transcendence: Axial Age spiritualities for a world in crisis." New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Scholars have become increasingly interested in philosopher Karl Jaspers’ thesis that a spiritual revolution in consciousness during the first millennium BCE decisively shaped world history. Axial ideas of transcendence develop into ideologies for world religions and civilizations, in turn coalescing into a Eurasian world-system that spreads globally to become the foundation of our contemporary world.

Next Steps

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