Christianity & Culture at King's
What does it mean to be a Christian? Are religious practices still important, or is it enough to simply believe in God and live a good life? King's minor in Christianity and Culture explores these and other ideas as it places the faith within a larger context and seeks to understand how Christians engage with, and are understood by, the world around them.
Inside this program
Engage in Cultural Conversation
Topics in world religions, contemporary theology, and Christian social and political movements explore how Christians and the broader culture have impacted and influenced each other.
Find God In…Everything
Study Christianity through a wide variety of disciplines such as music, sociology, politics, and literature. The fingerprints of our creator can be found everywhere.
Explore Christian Art and Expression
Christians throughout history have created countless works of visual art, literature, and music. Explore diverse and awe-inspiring works, inspired by faith, that have changed the world forever.

"I have great relationships with my profs and feel that they want me to succeed. I can talk to anyone and know they will be friendly and helpful."