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Centre for Teaching and Learning hires new learning specialists

Aug 28, 2023

King’s has hired three learning specialists to support students through their university studies. The new hires come as part of a reimagining of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) to make the centre more accessible and inclusive with a focus on student success.

“We set out to hire Learning Specialists who can provide a holistic offering of learning supports to students,” says Kristen Lemke, Manager of the CTL. “All three of our Learning Specialists offer a wide breadth of knowledge and experience to serve the range of needs in our student community.”

Research into student supports at other universities along with insights gained from experience and feedback from students and university staff helped shape the new roles. Among the top priorities for these new staff members are supporting academic writing, providing services attuned to the unique needs of international students and other diverse learners, and assisting with navigating emerging technologies.

“The King’s University exists to provide a university education that inspires and equips all learners to bring renewal and reconciliation to every walk of life,” says Lemke, “From recruitment to graduation, we aim to provide a student experience that is enriching and inspiring.”


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