Committing to prayer in our campus community

As we enter the Christmas season, thoughts of the baby born in a manger often lead to greater emphasis on God and the hope we find in Jesus. For many, though, the hustle and bustle of the holidays is distracting. Prayer can help us focus.
“It’s a fundamental part of faith. It’s one of the ways we commune with our Creator. When we gather as a community to pray for one another and believe in God’s ability to do the impossible, anything is possible,” says Cora-Lee Conway, Dean of Students.
This November, King’s launched 40 Days of Prayer, a special effort designed to encourage students and employees to recentre and reprioritize. Personal and public prayer is encouraged, and there are several on-campus opportunities to pray with others.
Dr. Kristopher Ooms, VP Academic & Research, believes praying as a community is a very important task. “There is something powerful about dedicating 30 minutes to sit and pray with people you don’t usually pray with. My hope is that a lasting legacy of praying together comes out of this time.”
Prayer prompts are available, but the general focus for 40 Days of Prayer is to pray for members of King’s community, our communities of Edmonton, Alberta, and Canada, and the world as a whole.
“We can only plan and control so much, but our Christian faith is the DNA of everything we do — and it’s rooted in that place of prayer,” says Amanda Duenk, Spiritual Growth Coordinator. “I hope this time will bring a renewed sense of unity and vision to the King’s community.”
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