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Harmony in community

Oct 26, 2022

A choir is a community of voices tuned to harmony. What better community than King’s to offer a home to displaced choristers?

When Concordia closed its community-based music programs last year, Dr. Melanie Turgeon, Professor of Music, saw an amazing opportunity to amplify King’s choral program and invited them to join King’s Alumni and Community Chorus. The two groups of passionate singers were merged into one.

Along with the fresh group of singers came choral director Joy Berg, who excitedly agreed to take on directing the chorus.

“The support from King’s community has been wonderful,” said Berg. “It’s an incredible integration of amazing singers and personalities!”

The combined choir has already performed a Christmas and spring concert with King's Cantorum and Chamber Singers, as well the Augustana campus choirs in Camrose, AB. 

While beautiful music is the goal, the heart beneath the harmony is their community. “I love their sound and I adore these people,” Berg said. “They make extraordinary music happen.”

From 65 participants last year to a growing 75 choristers this year, the chorus is busy practising for upcoming performances. In addition to King’s Christmas and spring concerts, they will be performing a large piece, Faure’s Requiem, along with other works, at First Presbyterian church on April 16.

Berg emphasized they’d love to see the chorus grow even larger, and all are welcome—from members of the community, to professors, students, and alumni. No auditions are required. Simply a love of harmony.

Email Joy Berg for more information. Rehearsals are every Tuesday, 7 to 9:15 p.m. in Knoppers Hall at King’s.

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