Guidance Counsellors

King's recognizes the time, energy, and care that guidance counsellors, teachers, and home-school facilitators invest in the lives of their students each day. We want to provide you with the tools you need to help your students plan for their post-secondary education.

Annual Guidance Counsellor Update Event

Join us each fall for our annual Guidance Counsellor Update Event. Brunch is on us as we provide an update on new programs, services, news, and facts at King's. Interested in joining? 

Register Today

Information for Guidance Counsellors

King's Recruitment Publications 

Digital copies of King's recruitment materials are available for public download on our recruitment publications page. Access King's Academic Calendar, here.

Request a Mailed Package

If you want to subscribe to King's annual publication mailing (Fall delivery) or if you need additional print publications, please fill out the Request for Printed Publications Form and we would be happy to send you our current publications free of charge!

School visits

Admissions Officers can visit your school to set up an information booth, be available during a lunch hour, or give a CALM class presentation about King's or a post-secondary in general. Sessions on financial aid, applying to King's, and course registration are also available.

Book a group visit

We’d love to have your class join us on campus. A typical group visit lasts two hours and includes a campus tour and an admissions presentation. We can also arrange faculty meetings or workshops, financial aid information, or other sessions by request. The timing of the program can be adjusted based on your schedule. Planning well in advance and building some flexibility into your visit is the best way to ensure we can accommodate your group. Please contact Admissions at least two weeks in advance of your preferred date to schedule your visit.