Stereotypes of University Students
Hello Future King's Students!
Regardless of what kind of student you are now or have been in the past, the great thing about starting university is deciding on what kind of student you want to be. There are some commonly held stereotypes of typical kinds of university students. While these stereotypes are not necessarily good or bad, ultimately you are the one who gets to decide what your university years will be like! Just for fun, I wanted to share some typical university student stereotypes that you may fit into or encounter during your first year!
The Socialite
This student is the one that you'll find at all of the social events that are happening within the community, whether it is on or off campus. They love being around people and you'll typically find them talking to everyone. If you ask around, there is bound to be more than a few people who recognize their name.
The Studymaniac
This type of student is one who you'll see always studying in the library or somewhere quiet. They are focused on doing very well in school and most likely have aspirations of being accepted into medical or graduate school. Whether they live on or off campus, you hardly, if ever, see them hanging out with friends, and see them constantly surrounded by books and loads of paper.
The Sleeper
This student is most likely the one who comes to class in their pajamas, or you know them as the student who sleeps during class. This could be due to a number of factors, but ultimately, their sleeping schedule is not the best. If you live in residence, you probably know them as the type of student who is always taking naps. Whether they are night owls, studying throughout the night or hanging out with people, they trade-off their sleep for something else.
The Athlete
This student is most likely on a sports team and only hangs out with other athletes. Their team is their cohort and they stick with people that they know. These are the students that could be really cool if you got the chance to meet them, but you only ever see them with their team, so it can be intimating to try to get to know them.
The Ghost
This is the student that you see during your first class of the semester, and then only see for the midterm and final. Most classmates, and even sometimes your professor may be surprised when they see this student come to class. Or especially if you're a commuter student, the ghost stereotype could be that one commuter student that you see in class, but only see in class. They never stick around campus long enough for people to get to really know them outside of the classroom.
Although these are just a few stereotypes of university students that are fun to think about, just remember that every student is much more complex that just a set of stereotypes and no one fits perfectly into one of these categories. University is a time where you try to figure out what you want to do with your life and in the process, make long lasting friendships with classmates. Ultimately, you decide what type of student that you want to be.
All the best!