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5 Ways to Keep Learning Online Over the Summer

Jun 12, 2020

I’ve always been fascinated by all the different kinds of courses that universities offer. I am especially interested in all the courses that are totally out of my comfort zone and degree requirement. While self-isolating at home, some of us have even more time to give to taking new courses. Of course, the contents in this blog are not limited to courses you can take at a university but regular classes you can take online for things that interest you – like cooking!

Here’s a list of some free courses that you can take this summer to keep you busy and keep you learning!

Bread Ahead Bakery
Baking has definitely been one hobby or skill that everyone has been trying out during these stay at home days and a bakery in London, U.K has been offering daily baking classes via their Instagram live.

University of California, Berkeley
This institution has also opted to open up many of their courses for free or for a small fee to help cure boredom and continually inspire learning. Most of their courses are self-paced so you can definitely take your time to learn what interests you!

Down Dog
If you’re interest involves physical fitness, down dog has put together a variety of exercises that can help expand your knowledge.

Oregon State University
This university has given a free intro to the Oregon Master Gardener Program where you can learn 12 on-demand gardening courses. All you need to do is register!

Yale is offering a free introduction to classical music course, so this one is for all you music lovers!

These are only a handful of what the global community is doing to keep everyone learning and bursting with creativity and imagination. Learning never stops and the beauty of online courses is that you can be taking them in the comfort of your very own backyard, on a sunny day with a nice cold lemonade. If these ideas don’t suite your interests, there are so many more courses being offered, you just need to do some research on your specific interests. As for me, I think I’m going to learn a little about bugs. Catch you in the next blog!

Yours truly,

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