6 On-Campus Supports to Start the Second Semester with Success
Jan 07, 2020
It can be hard to get yourself back into school mode after the holidays. If you are feeling concerned about this semester or if you are just hoping to do really well, King’s has a lot of really great resources and services on campus for student support from personal to academic. I’m going to give you a list of some of these resources to help you get through this semester and succeed:
The first resource you should be ready to use this semester is your Professors’ extra help. At King’s we have an open door policy which means you can stop by your professor’s office anytime if they are available. You can also plan to go see them during their office hours or make an appointment. There is also the Talk is Cheap program where you and your professor can both get coffee for free from the Level when you meet. Your professors want you to be successful! If you need extra help or just want to make sure you’re doing an assignment correctly, go see your professor!
The second resource is Counselling. Counselling services at King’s are free for students and are provided by provisional psychologists through Student Life. If at any point in the semester you need to talk, are experiencing anxiety, mood swings, conflict with roommates, dependency on alcohol or drugs, grief, loneliness, abuse (past or present), food issues, self-doubt, relationship problems, or any other personal concerns there is always someone around to listen, talk, and help. You can book appointments online or through the Student Life Office.
The third resource is the Wellness Room. The Wellness Room is a space intended for students to unwind from the stress of classes and life in general. It’s accessible during normal building hours every day. If you need someone to talk to you can also go to the wellness room during Support hours to talk with a student volunteer trained in crisis and stress management. These hours are always changing though, so for more information or details you can email Val Martens.
The fourth resource is Writing Support. Whether you’re writing your first or 50th paper, writing support is available Monday through Fridays from 9am-1pm. Come to the Academic Enrichment Centre to get help with starting, getting ideas, editing, or polishing.
The fifth resource is Univ-150. Every semester King’s offers an 8 week non-credit course which only costs $22. In this class you will learn skills from note-taking to writing a post-secondary level paper. If you’re coming into your first year at King’s this is a great class to help you start off well!
Finally the last resource I’m going to tell you about is Academic Support Assistants. We have students ready to help you with assignments, improve study skills, or work through practices to become academically successful!
There are a lot of great services available to ensure that students can have their best chance at success here! Be sure to use these resources to your advantage this semester!
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