6 Ways to Get Involved in Social Justice Initiatives at King's

Today is World Day of Social Justice! Being a Christian University, King’s is very intentional about informing and educating students about issues of injustice. In light of the day here are some social justice initiatives here on campus and ways you can get involved:
The Micah Centre
King’s Micah Centre is based on Micah 6:8 - “And what does the Lord require of you? To do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly.” The Micah Centre provides many opportunities for experiential learning around issues of social justice for students, and is our main source of social justice-related initiatives at King’s. These include:
- Honduras Water Project
The Honduras Water project gives students the opportunity to spend time in Honduras for three weeks in May. On this trip, students spend time learning from the communities there and help work on running water systems for some of the communities experiencing poverty there. - Justice Fellowship
The Justice Fellowship is a year-long experience for students to learn about justice issues in Edmonton, Mexico and around the world. It consists of five courses that focus on principles and practice of justice, development, and reconciliation from a faith perspective, and blends into the liberal arts degrees at King’s. - Micah Certificate
The Micah certificate can be obtained in collaboration with any 3 or 4 year degree at King’s, and functions similarly to a minor or concentration. It offers education and experience to prepare students to work in areas of justice and development. - Quest Mexico
Over reading week, students can spend 9 days in Mexico through a program called Quest Mexico. Through this program, students take part in a variety of learning activities including talks and visits to villages, markets, squatter settlements, historic sites, and more. The intention is to cultivate mutual respect, a sense of our common humanity, and sharpen student understanding of their role in the global community. - Do Justice Week
Do Justice Week is a week-long series of events every year in October at Kings. During the week the Micah Centre hosts guest speakers, runs a chapel focused around issues of social injustice, and this past year they had a project with the MASS club to bring awareness of hope in working in the area of justice. - MASS
MASS stands for Micah Action And Awareness Student Society. It is one of King’s longest running clubs. It is supported through the students association and is run by myself and Michelle Roseboom this year. Our goal in MASS is to promote action and change regarding issues of social injustice both at the local and global level. We often host speakers, participate in campaigns, and every year we take a group of students to a justice film festival in November and run a book club in the Winter semester. MASS is a great club to meet new people and make friends who are like minded!
There are a lot of ways you can get involved on campus in areas of social justice! If you are interested in any of these opportunities you can contact the Micah Centre’s program director, Jonathan Nicolai-deKoning. If you are interested in joining MASS, you can contact me!
Happy World Day of Justice,
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