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DIY Christmas on a Student Budget

Dec 09, 2016

As the great Buddy the Elf said, "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear". Students, it's that time of year again! The bank account is low but spirits are high. But, with a little DIY, that bank account can be saved. Read on to discover how you can cover all your Christmas gift needs on a shoe string budget!

1) Christmas Cookies

Everybody loves cookies. People who say they don't lie. Click here to discover some easy recipes that you can do to make bulk Christmas presents for everybody!

2) Sugar Scrubs

Sugar Scrubs are a quick and easy gift to make! You can store them in so many creative ways and they can be made in any colour you like. Sugar is a good way to exfoliate all that dry skin, a part of life that you get used too quickly here in Edmonton.

3) Hand Warmers

It's freezing outside. The insides of your mitts are a little damp from the snow you brushed off your jeans when you fell over. But wait! What's that in your pocket? A DIY hand warmer you got for Christmas! Whoever thought of that was a genius.

4) Slipper Gift Sets

Slippers are great. Slippers are at the dollar store. Dollar Store slippers make a great gift! Fill them with nail polish, a nail file, lip balm and your friend or family member's favourite chocolate bar and you have a great gift ready for Christmas.

5) Handmade Candles

FYI this is not a Residence-friendly present. But that's okay! Just give it to somebody who doesn't live in Residence! There are so many ways to make candles. My favourite is to combine coconut oil, an essential oil of your choice and toss in some pine needles, flower petals or glitter. You can find candle wicks at Michaels and pour the oil mixture into any sort of container.

6) Decorated Mugs

Decorated mugs are so pretty and easy to do! You can do it with a sharpie and bake them or you can make them a little more extravagant by doing a marbled design! See how to do that here!

These are just a few ideas for a student-friendly Christmas! Happy shopping and a very merry Christmas from me to you!

xoxo, Gossip Girl

J.K. It's Becky

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