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First Day Back

Jan 04, 2022

Hey everyone,

Happy first day back! I hope that you all had a great and fun holiday and that you are well rested. The break definitely felt a bit short and I’m definitely not ready to be back, but it’s time to get our school mode back on. Here are some things that I’m going to be doing to help me get back into the routine:

#1: Create a routine

To get back into the routine, we have to create a routine. No more staying up late and sleeping in. Get plenty of sleep, get up early, and eat your meals at the right time again.

#2: Write out your new schedule

With the new term starting, you have a different class schedule. Write them out in your calendar/planner to start remembering your new schedule. Don’t forget to note down all the important deadlines/due dates and exam dates!

#3: Get organized

Take your previous school notes and file them away. Clean up and give yourself a fresh start for the new semester.

#4: Set goals

With the new year, it’s only right to have new goals for yourself. Knowing you’re trying to achieve something is a great way to keep yourself motivated.

#5 Take it easy

Lastly, even though it’s a new term with new courses and new assignments, ease into the semester. Try to not overwhelm yourself so early in the school year and start with a positive mindset.

That’s it for now! I hope this has been helpful in your transitioning back into school. I wish you all the best and for you to have a great semester.

Happy New Semester!


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