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Global Awareness Week

Jan 25, 2022

Hey friends,

It’s Global Awareness Week! If you didn’t know already, King’s will be celebrating the great diversity of backgrounds and cultures of all students throughout the week. There will be a variety of events going on around campus and you should definitely try to attend as many as you can.

  • Cafeteria Daytime Special - every day this week, our cafeteria will have a different special based on different cultures/countries.
  • Global Views on Mental Health (Monday, January 24) - attend this event at The Level and listen to a panel discussing the different views and experiences of mental health based on different cultures.
  • Cultural Attire (Tuesday, January 25) - wear any sort of attire (hat, accessories, dresses, hairstyle) based on your culture. You can enter a draw by posting your picture on Instagram and tagging King’s account.
  • Land Acknowledgement Workshop (Tuesday, January 25) - come listen (via zoom or in person at The Level) about a discussion on the importance of Land Acknowledgement for Indigenous peoples.
  • Bell Let’s Talk Day (Wednesday, January 26) - share about the meaning of mental health and pick up a free swag item on this day.
  • Riddle of the Day (Thursday, January 27) - participate in this little game by finding the word of the day with the clues King’s will provide. The clues will be sent to your email
    and you can send in your answers to
  • Dance workshop (Friday, January 28) - if you love to dance, attend the beginner dancing workshop (via zoom or in person at The Level) to learn some Afro beats and indigenous dancing.

Doesn’t all of those sound so fun? I encourage all of you to participate in as many events as you can to learn more about everyone’s heritage as well as share your own.

All the best,


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