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#IChoseKings - Bachelor of Music

Oct 17, 2016

Hello future King’s students!

To help get you excited for this Saturday's Open House, the 6:01 Blog is highlighting King's 5 Bachelor Degrees. Today I'm excited to share about King's music program and why so many music students have said #IChoseKings!

At King’s we offer several music programs. You can take a 4 year Bachelor of Music degree, or either a 3 or 4 year Bachelor of Arts degree with a music major. Within our music programs, you have loads of opportunities to perform in your repertoire classes, lunch hour concerts we call ‘Noon Tunes’, chapels, and various concerts throughout the year. Within the B.Mus. degree, you develop your musical talents in the areas of aural skills, music theory and performance. Just like any other program offered at King’s, with the B.Mus. Degree, you are able to learn from a Christian perspective, while expanding your knowledge in music.

Check out my interview with Breanna Antosh (4th year B.Mus.) and her experience in the B.Mus. program: 

What are the highlights of this program?

“Noon Tunes is definitely a highlight! I love hearing everyone in the music program, majors and minors, playing their instruments and getting to show their continuous growth within the program. Choir is also definitely a highlight too! Choir is open to all other majors as well, but it’s such a fun community, and singing with each other is a great way to build connections.”

What are your favourite music courses?

"I really like the theory courses. I know most people don’t like music theory, but it’s fun to learn because it’s really useful. I love being able to recognize the theory I learn in class within the music I play. I also like my individual lessons a lot. Working one on one with your professor to learn an instrument is such an exciting experience, and I think many students would agree with me. Lessons can be quite challenging, but when you engage with your professor, it makes it really enjoyable."

Who is your favourite music professor?

"It’s hard to pick a favourite, but I really like Dr. Charles Stolte. He teaches saxophone lessons, and he also teaches classes to all the music students, like Music History and Systematic Musicology. He has a fun personality, so it makes it really enjoyable to learn from him. He also doesn’t like doing only lecture style classes, as many students don’t like pure lectures either!"

Do you have any tips for prospective student thinking of taking this program?

"I would say to really consider it if you love music in any way. The music program is such a unique experience here at King’s, and you get to work with amazing professors. It’s stressful like any other program, but the music professors recognize your love for music. They want to help you improve the skills you already have. This program connects you to professors and other students in a unique way that other degrees can’t because they function through purely lecture-based classes. It’s a fun program, and I would also say to not stress too much about this decision. You’ll have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do in life! Keep your options open, and explore!"

If you are interested in our B.Mus. degree you can get more information here! Best of luck as you decide which degree is the right fit for you!

All the best!


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