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Supports On Campus: The Academic Enrichment Center

Jan 28, 2020

At the beginning of this semester the brand new Academic Enrichment Center, or AEC for short, officially opened its doors. The purpose of the AEC is to provide enhanced accessibility and accommodation services, as well as academic supports, to our students. Plus there are a few new study cubbies for getting work done on your own or in a group!

With the opening of the AEC, there has been some shuffling around of student support coordinators. Instead of being in the student life hallway, our student support and accessibility coordinators are now located in the AEC. Barbara Hein and Kristin Lemke cover two areas of student support: accessibility services and student success. They provide accommodations to students with documented disabilities: learning, physical, medical, psychological, or temporary (i.e. broken arm or leg, concussion). Additionally, to promote student success, an academic success course called UNIV150 is offered for 8 weeks. In this course they go over time management, note taking strategies, and how to study for tests, exams, etc.

Another support that is now located in the AEC is our writing center. Leonard Fehr is there to help and support students with academic writing, and you can book an appointment with him online! Our testing center is also now in the AEC, so students who require more time on tests or extra support will write their exams in that space.

Our academic support assistant (ASA) also spends a few hours a week in the AEC. The ASA is a student who works to help their peers go through assignments, hone their study skills, or work through best practices to be academically successful. You can reach the ASA at

The purpose of the AEC is to provide enhanced accommodations and academic support to our students, so I would encourage you to take advantage of the wonderful support services that are available! You can book appointments with AEC staff using this online booking link!

Check out the AEC's grand opening this Friday, January 31st, from 11am-2pm!

Happy Studying,

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