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Tips For Easing Into University

Aug 26, 2016

Hey new students!

The switch from high school to university plays out differently for everyone; some people jump right in, but others need some time to get used to the different vibe. If you’re one of those people, here are some suggestions on how to make the transition as painless as possible. Easing into university has never been easier!

1. Take a Campus Tour.

Maybe you’ve already had a tour of the campus, but it can be helpful to have a quick refresher of where everything is on campus so that on your first day you know exactly where to go. If you miss out on a tour over the summer summer, Orientation will have a tour you can take!

2. Find your classrooms before the first day of class.

Yes, it’s not that hard to find your way around King’s, but for the first day it might still be helpful to do a walk-through so you can locate where your classes will be. Then on your first day you'll know exactly where you’re going and you can get to each class on time.

3. Do your Registration Confirmation online.

You can also do this in person by booking an appointment through your Online Services, but to get this done ahead of time and in the comfort of your own home, do it online! You will confirm your courses, pay for your tuition and fees and upload a Student ID photo. The advantage of doing this at home is that it gives you time to sort out how you will be paying for your Fall tuition and fees or to set up a payment plan, and you can ensure you have perfect hair in your Student ID photo!

4. Prepare for Move in Day if you will be living in Rez.

Move In Day is August 29; review our packing lists online to make sure you have everything you will need. Also, check out our Pinterest page for inspiring decorating ideas!

5. Attend Orientation Week.

From August 30-31, Orientation will give you all that you need to transition smoothly into university (also new students are required to attend, so definitely do this).

6. Attend the Fall Retreat.

Meet new friends at the beautiful Camp Nakamun – it is free to attend! All you have to do is add the course UNIV 065 to your Fall course registration the same way you would register for a regular course and you will be good to go! This year’s retreat is September 16-18.

Well future King’s students, best of luck as you enter our wonderful school and begin an exciting new stage in your life.



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