How will you make a difference?
Study wild and wonderful creatures in their natural habitats and gain insights into mechanisms that power health and genetics. Hands-on learning and a drive to understand and appreciate the complexity of life are at the heart of biology at King's.
Be curious. Chemistry reveals the secrets of life's basic building blocks. Visualizing, documenting, and interacting with particles creates opportunities to understand the typically-invisible molecular universe.
Computing Science
Write programs and code that run smooth and effectively. Harness computing power to solve complex problems and better understand how God has structured and ordered the universe.
Environmental Studies
Be a caretaker of creation by understanding the scientific and social aspects of environmental issues. By standing in awe of God's creation, and confronting pressing issues head on, we can cultivate a world that flourishes with life and abundance for all.
Interdisciplinary Science
I.Sci is a degree custom-fit to your calling. Choose two areas of study from biology, kinesiology, chemistry, computing science, mathematics, physics, and psychology. I.Sci prioritizes applied learning and a focus on connections between disciplines.
Neural pathways and brain chemistry are awesome structures that produce our thoughts and behaviour. Understanding these networks allow us to intervene and bring healing.

Centre for Excellence in Sciences
Opening Fall 2026
With the latest equipment and tech, King's new 26,000 sq ft. Centre for Excellence in Science is to be a place for discovery and collaboration between disciplines. New labs and learning spaces will open new opportunities for advancing research and training a new generation of Christian leaders in the sciences.

B.Sc. Computing Science
King's has an amazing computer science program. Having the same two to three professors teaching courses allows you to get more comfortable with them. They become like friends or mentors.

B.Sc. Biology
I hope my summer research project will provide insights into how climate change affects snowshoe hares and habitat variables, allowing conservationists to prioritize their efforts accordingly.

Dr. Peter Mahaffy
Professor of Chemistry
Reorienting chemistry education through systems thinking benefits students’ learning and enhances chemistry’s impact on society as well as its contributions to addressing global problems.
Engaging undergrads in research
Student/faculty research is a particular strength of King's natural and computing science programs. Faculty are active scholars in their field and intentionally build opportunities for undergraduate student involvement into their courses and professional work.
A network of meaningful partnerships
The King's University is proud to work alongside an incredible network of community, industry, and academic partners.
Below is a list of affiliations, partnerships, memberships, directorships, advisories and networks where King’s faculty serve and collaborate with.

- Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
- Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society
- Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference - Sustainability
- Alberta Conservation Association
- Alberta Council on Women’s Shelters
- Alberta Introductory Biology Association
- Alberta Parks
- Parks Canada
- Alberta Society of Professional Biologists
- American Chemical Society Presidential
- Committee on Climate Science
- American Scientific Association
- Association for Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
- Association for Research in Vision and Ophthamology
- Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta
- Calvin Centre for Christian Scholarship
- Campus Alberta Quality Council
- Canada Research Chair
- Canadian Association for Computing Science
- Canadian Association of Geographers
- Canadian Astronomical Society AAPT and AAAS
- Canadian Chemistry Chairs
- Canadian College and University Environmental Network
- Canadian Food Grains Bank
- Canadian Mathematics Society
- Canadian Psychological Association
- Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation
- Canadian Society for Ecological Economics
- Chemical Institute of Canada
- Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
- Citizens for Public Justice, Toronto
- City of St. Albert Environmental Advisory Committee
- Climate Change Working Group, Mennonite Church Canada
- Committee for Contact with the Government - Christian
- Reformed Churches of Canada
- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada
- Creating Hope Society (Edmonton)
- Ecological Society of America
- Edmonton Father Involvement Network Steering Committee
- Environmental Studies Association of Canada
- Global Scholars Canada
- IEEE Computer Society
- Immigrant Men’s Support Network (Edmonton)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- International Association for Impact Assessment
- International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education
- International Council of Science
- International Society for Theoretical Psychology
- International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- Laurentian Leadership Centre, Ottawa
- Metabolistics
- National Father Involvement Steering Committee
- National Sciences and Research Council
- Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- SHIFT – Engaging Men and Boys in the Prevention of Domestic Violence
- Social Action Commission - Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
- Society for Personality and Social Psychology
- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
- Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
- Society of Conservation Biology
- Syncrude
- Terra Association (Edmonton)
- The American Scientific Affiliation
- The Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies
- The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society
- The University of Alberta Department of Renewable Resources
- Theory & Psychology Journal
- Transformative Theology Working Group,
- World Mission, World Alliance of Reformed Churches and World Council of Churches
- UNESCO International Year of Chemistry Committee
- Western Canadian Theoretical Psychology
- Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation
- Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science and Technology
- World Economics Association
- World Renew
- World Vision Canada