Course List
BIOL 139 - Native Plant Collection
A summer-time plant collection of 25 species with flowers, and field notes on habitat and location. This non-credit project is essential to complete the lab portion of BIOL 340, or serves as a stand-alone short-course for a microcredential in sustainable agriculture. Graded on a pass/fail basis, this collection must be submitted 2 weeks before the start of fall term classes. Successful completion is required as a prerequisite for BIOL 340.
BIOL 204 - Insects and Humanity
Insects are often hated, sometimes loved, but seldom ignored. These minute creatures provide a window into the complexities of the biological world. This course offers a survey of the varied habitats and peculiar habits of insects, including their competition with humans for food and fiber and their role as disease agents.
BIOL 207 - Human Anatomy
This introductory survey course of general human morphology is designed to provide students with a systematic description of the anatomical structures of the human body. This includes gross and microscopic anatomy of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Labs include various dissections and in-depth examination of the musculoskeletal system with specific attention to the upper and lower extremities, articulations, and surface anatomy. Critical thinking and appreciation for health and disease from a gross anatomical perspective are emphasized.
BIOL 210 - Cellular Introduction to Biology
An introduction to the structure and function of cells in organisms. Topics include the origin of life, the development of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, biological energy conversions, compartmentation of biochemical functions within the cell, inter- and intra-cellular communications. Molecular genetic analysis will be used to examine the control of cellular activities and their application in genetic engineering and biotechnology will be discussed.
BIOL 211 - Organisms in their Environment
Organisms of all the major groups are affected by their environment and exert their influence on their environment and on each other. Topics will include a description of these relationships, of their development over time, and of theories of evolutionary development of these organisms.
BIOL 290 - Biology Concepts and Connections
A survey of the fundamental concepts central to biology, with emphasis on equipping students to understand and respond to everyday life experiences. Examples will be drawn from the biology of health, genetics, and human interaction with the environment, and other current topics.
BIOL 307 - Human Physiology Foundations
A introductory study of human physiology. This course examines the human physiological systems which are the basis of normal body function and homeostasis. Topics include chemical and cellular composition of the body, genetic control, cellular respiration and metabolism, nervous system and sensory physiological function.
BIOL 308 - Human Physiology Systems
This course provides an overview of the mechanisms and processes involved in human physiology. Students will learn to understand the complexity of the human body and develop a deeper understanding of how physiological systems function and interconnect. This course builds on KINS/BIOL 307 in order to provide a broad overview of important systems in physiology, and will examine muscle, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, renal, digestive, metabolic and reproductive systems. Students will engage in a Lab component in which they will conduct experiments demonstrating physiological concepts with a hands-on approach across the various human systems.
BIOL 318 - Exercise Physiology
This course is an introduction to exercise physiology and offers students the ability to investigate the human body at rest and examine the physiological responses to various forms of acute and chronic exercise. Students will examine the role that respiratory, cardiovascular, muscular, and neural systems play during physical activity. In the laboratory component of this course students will be exposed to different types of tests that can be conducted to monitor physical performance and endurance, while also analyzing the results and formulating meaningful conclusions in the context of exercise physiology.
BIOL 320 - Introduction to Genetics
The cellular and molecular basis of heredity. Mendelian genetics and its chromosomal basis, linkage and genetic mapping in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and changes in chromosome number will be studied. DNA as genetic material, the genetic code, replication, control of protein synthesis, the governance of gene action, and recombinant DNA techniques will receive emphasis.
BIOL 330 - Ecology
Relationships among animals, plants and the non-living environment, energy flow, nutrient cycles, ecological succession, communities, populations; application of ecological principles to the modern world. Laboratory work focuses on using basic techniques of ecological investigation. Participation in a three-day, overnight field trip on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the last weekend of September is required.
BIOL 340 - Plant Diversity
A study of all the major plant groups, with an emphasis on the description, identification, and classification of flowering plants. Major plant families of Alberta will be examined in terms of their anatomy, morphology, habitat, and significance worldwide. Theoretical and practical approaches to identification and classification will receive special attention. A summer-time plant collection (non-credit) of native plants is required prior to the course to successfully complete the lab portion of the course, and to develop the native plant identification skills essential for employment in forestry, agriculture, conservation, consulting, and land reclamation.
BIOL 343 - Integrated Zoology
Integrated Zoology takes a systems based approach to understanding the connection between organismal form and function within a phylogenetic context. The selective pressures of a changing world and environmental conditions ensure that organisms are in continuous modification, becoming adapted to fill the endless niches found on earth through out geological time. The focus is on a comparison of body plans, morphology, and life cycles that facilitate the locomotion, reproduction, and homeostasis of organisms ranging from protozoans to the invertebrates and vertebrates. Laboratory exercises expose students to the diversity of living animals and demonstrate basic morphological specializations of representative organisms.
BIOL 346 - General Microbiology
The organization, morphology and cell structure of microorganisms with emphasis on bacteria and fungi. Microbial growth and its control, aspects of medical and applied microbiology and microbial ecology are discussed. Laboratory exercises are designed to demonstrate basic microbiological techniques as well as relevant microbial activities and functions.
BIOL 353 - Physiology Of The Vertebrates
The physiological processes, from molecular- to organism-level, that allow animals to live in their environments are examined. Systems studied include gas exchange, circulation, hematology, digestion and excretion, sensory systems, osmoregulation, thermoregulation, and control mechanisms involving the endocrine system and the nervous system (CNS, PNS, and ANS). Themes of integration and homeostasis, the maintenance of a stable internal environment are also examined.
BIOL 362 - Ethology
An overview of the evolution, function and development of animal behavior. Evolutionary processes (e.g. selection and adaptation), physiological processes (e.g. the nervous system and behavior), the behavior of individuals (e.g. development, learning, mating), and the ecology of behavior (e.g. foraging) are discussed.
BIOL 364 - Brain and Behavior
A study of the relation between biology and behavior in humans. Topics include mind/brain issues, brain development, genes and behavior, structure and function of the nervous system, brain disorders, biopsychology of motivated disorders, drug abuse and lateralization. Foundational issues as well as biological details will be emphasized.
BIOL 391 - Biostatistics
This course develops student's statistical techniques and reasoning and will focus on both the theory and practice of statistics as it applies to biology.This includes descriptive statistics, probability theory, graphical presentation of data, analysis of variance (ANOVA), contingency tables, measures of association, tests of significance, linear and multiple regression, maximum likelihood methods, model selection, generalized linear models, and non-parametric and computational techniques. Statistical software such as R will be used extensively.
BIOL 397 - Research Methods in Biology
Explores the contexts for the discipline of biology, including historical, methodological, ethical, and societal dimensions, as well as current biological topics of interest in basic research, industrial, and environmental settings. Ethical and professional responsibilities for biologists in industrial, research, and academic settings will be addressed, as well as other topics that explore the interface between biology and society. Research methods and skills in biology will be emphasized, including literature review, experimental design, scientific writing, scientific communication, and mentorship. A key requirement of each student is the preparation of a project proposal, and the review and critique of each others work. Students, faculty, and visiting speakers will give presentations. It is required by all three-year, and four-year biology majors, and is a prerequisite for conduct an undergraduate research, either a Biol 494 or Biol 497.
BIOL 399 - Special Topics in Biology
A course on a topic or figure of special interest to a member of the biology faculty and offered on a non-recurring basis.
BIOL 422 - Molecular Genetics
A detailed examination of the genetic and biochemical control of cell structure and function. Topics included are:biomolecular structure and function, DNA replication and recombination, regulation of transcription and translation, genomics, and gene control in development. Special emphasis is placed on the tools of molecular genetic analysis. The laboratory work is designed to provide hands-on experience with current molecular genetics techniques.
BIOL 423 - Molecular Cell Biology
A detailed examination of cell biology at the molecular level. Topics included are: sub-cellular organization, membrane structure and function, protein sorting and vesicular transport, cell-to-cell signaling, nerve cells, cytoskeleton, extracellular matrix, control of the cell cycle, cancer, and immunity.
BIOL 427 - Physiology of the Cardiovascular System
This course examines more advanced concepts in both normal cardiovascular physiology as well as pathophysiology in humans using a higher order of thinking as required from senior students. The integration between the cardiovascular system, exercise, and general health is shown. Students investigate relevant research and topics in the field, evaluate content and share their findings in open discussions with their peers.
BIOL 434 - Population Ecology
The principles of population ecology in plants and animals including: the population consequences of variation among individuals; habitat and population structure; habitat selection and foraging theory. Exploration of demographic tools for population dynamics (life tables and other models), the evolution of life histories, population dynamics, and population regulation through organism interactions (competition, predation, mutualisms).
BIOL 436 - Conservation Biology
A discussion of the principles of conservation biology with applications to sustainable human society and biosphere integrity. This course develops the theoretical and applied basis for maintaining plant and animal populations considered endangered, threatened or at risk. It explores the complex factors contributing to the decline, extinction, or recovery of species. The course develops a stewardship perspective rooted in biological principles, and ethical, historical and economic considerations. Local, regional and global conservation strategies are discussed.
BIOL 438 - Plant Ecology
Topics covered in Plant Ecology include ecophysiology, population biology, the structure and dynamics of plant communities, ecosystems, and landscapes, and climate and vegetative interactions, Field methods and analysis techniques for studying plant ecology will be covered.
BIOL 466 - Evolution, Genes and Behavior
This course examines how evolutionary psychology and behavior genetics can illuminate our embodied nature, and explores the strengths, limitations and implications of these approaches for understanding the human cycle. This course also examines how research and theorizing in these two areas are influencing culture, via the media.
BIOL 470 - Biochemistry I
This course is designed to introduce students to biochemistry. The focus of the lectures is on the structure and function of the chemical constituents of living organisms. The lectures cover such topics as the energetics of biochemical reactions, amino acids and peptides, protein structure and function, enzyme kinetics, bioenergetics, carbohydrates and carbohydrate metabolism.
BIOL 471 - Biochemistry II
This course is a continuation of BIOL 470. The topics covered include electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation, lipids and lipid metabolism, amino acid metabolism, nucleic acids and their metabolism, photosynthesis, the chemical structure of genes and chromosomes, protein synthesis, and the structure and function of biological membranes.
BIOL 474 - Chemistry of Ecological Relationships
An introduction to the chemical basis and mechanisms fundamental to the interaction between organisms. Topics included are: plant biochemical adaptation to the environment, chemistry of pollination, plant toxins, hormonal interactions between plants and animals, chemical basis for insect feeding preferences and vertebrate feeding preferences, animal pheromones, and chemical interactions between plants.
BIOL 478 - Modeling In Biology
An introduction to the construction and use of models in biology including the formulation, analysis, parameterization, and validation of quantitative models for biological processes. Applications include population dynamics, species interactions, epidemiology, movement, and spatial processes. Approaches include, computer simulation, differential equations, individual-based models, matrix equations, Markov processes, and stochastic processes. The lab covers computer simulation methods in programs such as R.
BIOL 480 - History and Theory of Biology
The history of biology from early times to the present. Ideas influencing the study of biological phenomena, and the effects of biological developments upon human ideas and culture are discussed.
BIOL 486 - Evolutionary Biology
Exploration of evolutionary processes, including the theoretical and experimental basis for the evolution of organisms. A survey of the fossil record, population genetics, variation, natural selection, adaptation and the mechanisms of species formation. Special attention will be given to the history of evolutionary theory and its place in biology.
BIOL 494 - Senior Independent Project
In this course students conduct an independent project, designed in consultation with the instructor. This project may be an independent research project in the laboratories at the University, an internship or cooperative project with another laboratory or agency, or a biological literature research project. Other ventures are possible. Before the work commences, the student is required to submit a detailed proposal. Upon completion of the project, the results must be presented in the form of a paper and a seminar.
BIOL 495 - Biology Seminar
A weekly seminar through the winter term, exploring the contexts for the discipline of biology, including historical, methodological, ethical and societal dimensions, as well as current biological topics of interest in basic research, industrial and environmental settings. Ethical and professional responsibilities for biologists in industrial, research and academic settings will be addressed, as well as other topics that explore the interface between biology and society. Students, faculty and visiting speakers will give presentations. Mark for the course will be pass/fail.
BIOL 497 - Senior Thesis
Independent full-year research project carried out under the mentorship of a faculty member. This project may be an independent research project in the laboratories at the University. Internship, work integrated learning opportunities, and cooperative projects with another laboratory or agency are encouraged. Upon completion of the project, the results are presented in the form of a senior thesis and a seminar. The BIOL 497 thesis research can also be carried out in a summer of full-time research work at The King's University laboratories or as an intern.
BIOL 499 - Directed Studies in Biology
An opportunity to do advanced study of a special topic of particular interest to a student. Students work with a member of the biology faculty. Students must apply in advance to a member of the biology faculty.