Course List

ECON 203 - Principles of Economics I

An introduction to the Canadian economy and to concepts and tools that can help us understand how the economy works and the roles that we play in it. This course will examine economic goals, activities, structures and institutions; tools for making economic decisions; markets and market failures; economic measurement; economic fluctuations; growth and development; and globalization.

ECON 300 - Introduction to Canadian Political Economy

This course will examine the relationship(s) between economics and politics, both as practice and theory. Central to this is the appropriate role of government in the economic life of Canadian (and other) society. The present controversies on these issues will be investigated and discussed, as well as their origins. It will be argued that the general course of economic and other development in rich and poor countries (including Canada) is decisively influenced by views taken on this issue; that various options for the future present themselves, and that options for change in political economy are linked to and will be resolved on the basis of fundamental/religious perspectives.

POLI 319 - Human Rights

This course seeks to explore the origins, nature and limitations of the human rights paradigm in politics and law. We will consider the historical development of the human rights paradigm, philosophical (and theological) discussions about its meaning and validity, and engage in concrete examination of the ways in which it shapes legal and political practice particularly in Canada and internationally.

POLI 320 - Canadian Government and Politics

This course examines the relationship between Canada's federal and provincial governments, and the place of French Canada, regionalism, multiculturalism, Canadian nationalism, and aboriginal nations within the Canadian state. It examines the history of Canada's constitutional evolution, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

POLI 327 - Public Policy Analysis

This course is an introduction to themes and methods in policy studies. The course examines the practical and normative problems facing Canadian governments in initiating, formulating, enacting, and implementing public policies. Special attention will be given to several contemporary policy issues.

ENGL 370 - Carving out a Nation: Canadian Literature Pre- 1970

From its rural and colonial past to its increasingly urban and multicultural present, Canada's emerging and evolving sense of national identity has been reflected in its literature. Students will experience this literary history through representative poetry and prose in English, examining critical, cultural, and regional influences prior to 1970.

ENGL 371 - Mapping our Mental Geography: Canadian Literature Post- 1970

Tracing our literary landscape reveals that contemporary Canada is constantly changing. Through voices in poetry and prose in English, this course explores our shifting national and regional identities from the contemporary (post-1970) period forward by investigating literary questions of historical and cultural significance.

HIST 360 - Canada to Confederation

This course examines significant events, cultures, and encounters on the lands called "Canada" prior to 1867. Particular attention is given to interactions between Indigenous peoples and European settlers as well as the formative political, intellectual, and cultural currents of this period, in order to help develop an adequate foundation for both the study of recent Canadian history and the understanding of contemporary Canadian society.

HIST 361 - Canada Since Confederation

This course seeks to introduce students to the main contours of Canadian history since Confederation in 1867. Particular attention is given to the patterns of interactions between Indigenous peoples and European settlers. A variety of political, social, religious, racial, economic, and cultural themes will be considered to provide broad and comprehensive coverage of the last century and a half of Canadian history.

HIST 460 - History of Christianity in Canada

This course seeks to examine various aspects of the religious culture of British North America and Canada from the 18th century to the present. It will consist of a combination of lectures by the instructor and seminar discussions based on extensive readings in the most recent literature. Among the topics to be considered are Protestant-Catholic relations, evangelicalism, ultramontanism, the Victorian crisis of belief, the social gospel, secularization, fundamentalism, and popular religious culture. Readings in English, Scottish, Irish and American religious history are intended to provide a transatlantic and comparative perspective on the Canadian scene.

GEOG 201 - Physical Geography

An introduction to the earth's major planetary components, including climate, river systems, glaciers, landforms, soils, and biogeography. The origins of these features and the processes that influence them are discussed with emphasis on applications in Canada, Alberta and Edmonton. Participation in weekly field-based labs and in a two-day, overnight field trip, usually in the latter part of September, are required.

GEOG 300 - Humankind and the Biosphere

This course is a discussion of humankind's place in nature and of its responsibility for other organisms, the environment and resources. Environmental issues such as population, climate change, air and water pollution, energy and biodiversity are discussed with global and Canadian applications.

GEOG 310 - Human Geography

Human geography explores how human cultures and societies adapt to and shape natural landscapes and built environments. It considers spatial patterns within areas such as demographics, economics, politics, agriculture, and urban environments, focusing on both Canadian and international contexts. Skills in reading paper and digital maps and aerial photographs are also developed.

ENVS 410 - Natural Resource Management

This course examines various ways in which humans manage their use of ecological systems and the resources found within them. We will explore contemporary concepts, methods, and approaches to management, and investigate how they are applied in resource-based activities such as fisheries, agriculture, forestry, energy, mining, wildlife and parks. We will also examine conflict and uncertainty in resource management and cross-cutting issues such as Indigenous perspectives, and sustainability governance. Canadian case studies are emphasized.

ENVS 450 - Environmental Impact Assessment

This course examines the Environmental Impact Assessment process from both institutional and scientific perspectives, considering legislative and policy aspects. It includes a survey of EIA methods and contemporary issues in EIA, cumulative effects and post-auditing. Students will monitor or participate in contemporary Canadian or Alberta cases.

SOCI 201 - Canadian Society

This course will explore the development of Canadian society in the context of a variety of national and international level issues, including: French-English-Aboriginal relations, regionalism, multiculturalism, business/labor relations, criminal justice, and class and gender inequalities.

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SOCI 316 - Issues Involving Indigenous Peoples in Canada

An introduction to the current situations, perspectives and aspirations of selected Indigenous peoples in Canada. Particular attention will be paid to the emergence of Indigenous cultural resurgence and current developments involving Elders, treaties, family, urban life, gender relations, territorial relations, health and wellness, education, criminal justice and reconciliation.

SOCI 318 - "Race" and Ethnicity in Canada

Issues around race, ethnicity, nation and culture raise a great deal of debate, and at times discomfort. This course will focus on the ways in which ethnic relations have been theorized sociologically. This course also aims to come to a critical understanding of these concepts, and study how they impact connections between ethno-cultural groups in Canada.

SOCI 319 - Sociology and the Environment

Understanding society requires understanding both the collective impact of humans on the environment and the natural world on humanity. This course will address the role of social structures as cause, impediment and solution to environmental problems. Topics are focused on Canadian cases and include the social construction of nature, sustainable societies, environmental justice, and environmental movements.