Pursue a B.Mus. or B.A. in Music

Cultivate your musical talents and tastes. Experience the value of integrating music into your daily life. This program engages the beauty, drama, and healing power of music while exploring Christianity's influence on its progression over time.

Inside this program

Do What You Love

As a music student, you'll have opportunities to perform in numerous concerts and recitals. Study under professional musicians with years of performance and instruction experience as you develop technique and participate in choral and instrumental ensembles. 

Immerse Yourself In Music's Nature and History

Explore the nature of music, its origins, and its development as you journey through music throughout the centuries. Musicology courses include Medieval Christian Music, World Music, Western Classical Music, Popular Music, and more.

Join A Community Of Musicians

You're joining a fun and collaborate community that seeks to bring out the very best in one another. In addition to performing with others in ensembles, you can look forward to a community that explores songs, sounds, and ideas—together.

Private Music Instruction

King's offers private instruction on a variety of instruments and practical courses in choral conducting, pedagogy, and collaborative piano.

Private music instruction is available to all music majors and minors, as well as any King's student looking to fulfill a fine arts course requirement for their program.

For inquiries related to registering for a private music instruction course as part of your degree, contact Dr. Charles Stolte, Chair, Department of Music.

Music Facilities

Nicholas B. Knoppers Hall

King's recital hall seats an audience of 200 and features excellent acoustic and recording facilities. The hall’s instrumental inventory includes the following:

  • Nine-foot Yamaha concert grand piano that once belonged to renowned pianist Glenn Gould
  • Hailun seven-foot grand piano
  • Letourneau 12-stop, two-manual mechanical pipe organ
  • Hubbard one-manual, Flemish-style harpsichord
  • Sabathil two-manual pedal harpsichord

Organ students have weekly lessons at West End Christian Reformed Church, which boasts of a beautiful 36-stop, two-manual mechanical Letourneau organ. This venue is also an excellent alternative resource for recitals.

Practice Rooms

  • Eight spacious, bright, and naturally practice rooms
  • Practice time is scheduled for each term according to availability and student needs

Additional Music Facilities

Take a look at our vocal studio, practice rooms, most prized instruments, and other fine arts spaces using King's campus map.

Research Profiles

Joy in the Journey Charles Stolte Performance & Instruction

Contemplative spiritual music for piano and saxophone. Professional recording.

Jerry Ozipko and Friends Charles Stolte Performance & Instruction

Cutting-edge contemporary classical music for instruments and electronics. Professional recording.

Music of Thierry Alla Charles Stolte Performance & Instruction

Contemporary classical saxophone music by one of France's leading composers. Professional recording.