Being Human: Rediscovering our Creaturely Calling

(Fall 2014)
"Being Human: Rediscovering our Creature Calling" is a conversation about what it means to be human in creation. Dr. Wirzba will present keynote presentations allowing our campus to consider the implications on calling the world ‘creation’ and being ‘creatures’ in it. Dr Wirzba will also present a public lecture on Wednesday evening, titled The Spirituality of Eating in Room N102 at 7:30 p.m.
In addition to several break out session in which the variety of ways of “being human” will be considered, Dr. Peter Mahaffy, will offer a keynote lecture on the Anthropocene Era, describing for us the impact of human beings on the planet.
The conference is free and open to the public. Students registered for I.S. are to “check-in” and collect a conference booklet on Tuesday, September 16 from 11-2 p.m. at the table just east of the cafeteria (accords from the Registry).
Keynote speaker
Dr. Norman Wirzba: Professor of Theology and Ecology at Duke University.