GSHC Postcards Collection

"Everything Looks Promising Here"
Dear Friends!
How are you both? Vey healthy? Can you see that this is one of our farmhands? With a seeding machine. Mother has most likely told you everything about my travel journey. I like to live here very much. We have a nice house and a large garden. We live close to the road. Of course, here is not as much activity as in Schans, and there are not as much pensioners walking in the morning as by you. Everything looks promishing here. Sjoerd has not written your son yet. Writing, that is quite a job. We are busy during the day and then it never goes beyond the planning. Do you have also news about him?
Receive our amicable greetings,
Sjoerd en Wytske
Sjoerd (Samuel) and Wytske arrived in 1900 in Canada. Sjoerd was born February 27, 1879 and his sister Wytske June 29, 1881, both in Leeuwarden. They farmed near Cupar. SE 1/4 S-36, T-23, R-17, W of 2nd.
Krijff, Jan. Greetings from Canada: Postcards from Dutch Immigrants to the Old Country, 1884-1915. Vancouver: Granville Island Publishing, 2012.