Residence Assistant Application

Personal Information

Academic Information

Anticipated commitments during the 2024 – 2025 Academic Year

Please list any co-curricular (on campus) activities and extra-curricular (off campus) activities that you plan to be involved in next year.


You may apply for multiple Student Leadership positions but only one choice is required. **Positions with stars indicate they require the student to live on campus.

References (2)

Please choose two personal references: a character reference and a professional reference.  Peers and/or potential Student Life employers should not be selected as references.

You are responsible to contact your references by emailing and asking them to fill out this reference form.

Your Story

Please respond to each of the following questions in approximately 400 words or fewer.

We expect all our student leaders to be open to serving within a Christian context.  Briefly outline your faith journey and explain how you think this applies to your work as a potential student leader:

What does leadership mean to you? How has this understanding been shaped?

In what way(s) have you been prepared for a student leadership role?  Describe any activities or experiences relevant to the position(s) for which you are applying.

Tell us why you wish to be a student leader.

Please describe your understanding of the importance of the program area(s) for which you are applying:

In what ways are you suited to the position for which you are applying?  Think about your personal characteristics and your strengths.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself that is pertinent to your application?

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