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The Ultimate List of Birthday Discounts and Freebies

Mar 26, 2020

This Saturday is my birthday! While I may be stuck at home due to the spread of coronavirus, that isn’t going to stop me from celebrating. In addition to loving my birthday, I also love a good deal! For this blog I’ve done some research and compiled a list of places that will give you a birthday discount or freebie:

While I may be stuck at home, the great part about all these coupons is that most places do delivery now and most of the coupons don’t expire right away. If you’re stuck celebrating your birthday from home this year, fear not! You can still get all these great discounts. If your birthday is in the distant future, be sure keep these great deals in mind. Finally, regardless of when your birthday is, I wish you all a very happy birthday!

Enjoy the Discounts,

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