
This concentration empowers students with the expertise needed to thrive in today’s dynamic marketing environment. Courses such as Consumer Behaviour, Event Management and Marketing, and Marketing Research Analytics provide a comprehensive understanding of how to analyze consumer trends, manage large-scale events, and leverage data-driven insights for strategic decision-making.

With a focus on e-commerce, innovative design thinking, and promotional strategies, students will gain hands-on experience in crafting impactful marketing campaigns across various platforms, preparing them for diverse careers in marketing, digital media, and brand management.

Course Selection

In addition to the required general courses for a B.Com., students specializing in Marketing must take the following:

Most students should choose to take their introductory business courses and as many Common Curriculum courses as possible in their first year. This gives them greater flexibility in their second or third year to participate in an exchange at one of our partner institutions around the globe. Every student is assigned a faculty advisor when they pay their tuition deposit to help with course selection throughout their program.