Course List
ENVS 200 - Introduction to Sustainability
This course introduces the concept of sustainability, including its environmental, social and economic dimensions. Students will trace the history of sustainable development and explore how humans can take action to reverse harm and improve sustainability. Field trips will focus upon sustainability in Edmonton.
ENVS 300 - Humankind and the Biosphere
This course is a discussion of humankind's place in nature and of its responsibility for other organisms, the environment and resources. Environmental issues such as population, climate change, air and water pollution, energy and biodiversity are discussed with global and Canadian applications.
ENVS 320 - Simplicity and Consumption: Living Sustainably
This course examines simplicity at the individual, community, and societal scales, emphasizing its contributions to environmental sustainability, social justice, community vitality, personal well-being, and spiritual health. It considers how overconsumption, as an individual practice and a societal norm, contributes to environmental degradation, social inequality, and personal lack of wellness. Practices of simplicity as alternative value systems and lifeways are explored, highlighting in particular the opportunities and limitations of movements such as Voluntary Simplicity, Minimalism, etc.
ENVS 399 - Special Topics In Environmental Studies
A course on a topic or figure of special interest to a member of the environmental studies faculty and offered on a non-recurring basis.
ENVS 410 - Natural Resource Management
This course examines various ways in which humans manage their use of ecological systems and the resources found within them. We will explore contemporary concepts, methods, and approaches to management, and investigate how they are applied in resource-based activities such as fisheries, agriculture, forestry, energy, mining, wildlife and parks. We will also examine conflict and uncertainty in resource management and cross-cutting issues such as Indigenous perspectives, and sustainability governance. Canadian case studies are emphasized.
ENVS 450 - Environmental Impact Assessment
This course examines the Environmental Impact Assessment process from both institutional and scientific perspectives, considering legislative and policy aspects. It includes a survey of EIA methods and contemporary issues in EIA, cumulative effects and post-auditing. Students will monitor or participate in contemporary Canadian or Alberta cases.
ENVS 470 - Ecopsychology
An exploration of the psychological dimensions of our dependence on God's creation and our responsibility to care for it. The psychological contributions to and consequences of environmental problems, and the potential for psychological intervention, will be examined from a Christian perspective.
ENVS 490 - Internship
ENVS 490 Internship is a three-credit course, offered to ENVS students after year three. Students are provided support from the Work Integrated Learning Program Coordinator (ENVS) to secure a suitable 320 hour (minimum) summer position, with tools learned from job preparation seminars in year two. Students secure work within their area of interest and concentration of study. Interns work in a wide variety of positions within government (municipal, provincial, and federal), industry (small and large-scale) and not-for-profit organizations. The internship provides students the opportunity to put developed skills and environmental knowledge into practice, while gaining valuable work experience. It prepares students to bring a broader industry understanding into their final year of schooling and increases their ability to secure employment after graduation.
ENVS 491 - Becoming Environmental Citizens: University and Beyond
This course provides students with opportunities to reflect back on their university experience, including their internship (ENVS 490), and look forward to their life and work after they graduate. Class activities explore aspects of environmental vocations and the application of an environmental worldview in various facets of life. An emphasis is placed on developing soft skills, peer mentorship and evaluation, and professional development.
ENVS 499 - Directed Studies In Environmental Studies
An opportunity to do advanced study of a special topic of particular interest to a student. Students work with a member of the environmental studies faculty. Students must apply in advance to a member of the environmental studies faculty.
BIOL 211 - Organisms in their Environment
Organisms of all the major groups are affected by their environment and exert their influence on their environment and on each other. Topics will include a description of these relationships, of their development over time, and of theories of evolutionary development of these organisms.
BIOL 330 - Ecology
Relationships among animals, plants and the non-living environment, energy flow, nutrient cycles, ecological succession, communities, populations; application of ecological principles to the modern world. Laboratory work focuses on using basic techniques of ecological investigation. Participation in a three-day, overnight field trip on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the last weekend of September is required.
BIOL 436 - Conservation Biology
A discussion of the principles of conservation biology with applications to sustainable human society and biosphere integrity. This course develops the theoretical and applied basis for maintaining plant and animal populations considered endangered, threatened or at risk. It explores the complex factors contributing to the decline, extinction, or recovery of species. The course develops a stewardship perspective rooted in biological principles, and ethical, historical and economic considerations. Local, regional and global conservation strategies are discussed.
GEOG 201 - Physical Geography
An introduction to the earth's major planetary components, including climate, river systems, glaciers, landforms, soils, and biogeography. The origins of these features and the processes that influence them are discussed with emphasis on applications in Canada, Alberta and Edmonton. Participation in weekly field-based labs and in a two-day, overnight field trip, usually in the latter part of September, are required.
GEOG 210 - The Global Village: Flourishing in an Interconnected World
Through different phases of globalization, the world has become increasingly interconnected - environmentally, economically, socially and culturally. Using the social science lenses of geography and international development studies, this course examines the nature of these interconnections and the opportunities and challenges they present, such as climate change, global poverty, and intercultural interaction and conflict. Solutions to the challenges are explored, seeking flourishing for all in the global village.
GEOG 300 - Humankind and the Biosphere
This course is a discussion of humankind's place in nature and of its responsibility for other organisms, the environment and resources. Environmental issues such as population, climate change, air and water pollution, energy and biodiversity are discussed with global and Canadian applications.
GEOG 310 - Human Geography
Human geography explores how human cultures and societies adapt to and shape natural landscapes and built environments. It considers spatial patterns within areas such as demographics, economics, politics, agriculture, and urban environments, focusing on both Canadian and international contexts. Skills in reading paper and digital maps and aerial photographs are also developed.
GEOG 321 - Community and Place
This course will examine the role of community in human social life in an age of globalization. Topics will include community development, diversity, social exclusion/inclusion, community resilience, and rural and urban communities. The course will also examine different types of communities including: radical Christian communities, cooperatives, intentional communities, and current initiatives in support of developing sustainable communities.
GEOG 350 - Geographic Information Systems
An introduction to the principles and applications of GIS. Hands-on lab assignments focus on data input and manipulation, spatial problem solving, and map presentation using GIS software on micro-computers. Students complete a GIS-based project.
GEOG 399 - Special Topics In Geography
A course on a topic or figure of special interest to a member of the geography faculty and offered on a non-recurring basis.
GEOG 450 - Advanced Geographic Information Systems
This course provides an advanced investigation into the principles and applications of geographic information systems. Hands-on lab assignments focus on geo-databases, metadata, data input, relational databases, advanced map design, and advanced techniques using GIS software. Students mentor introductory students, complete a paper and complete an advanced project.
GEOG 499 - Directed Studies in Geography
An opportunity to do in-depth geographical study on a topic of particular interest to the student. Students work closely with a member of the geography faculty. A student must apply in advance to the faculty member.