Course List
PSYC 250 - Basic Psychological Processes
Principles and development of perception, motivation, learning and thinking and their relationship to the psychic functioning of the person. Initial attempt to evaluate various approaches to psychology.
PSYC 251 - The Person in Society
Introduction to the study of human individuality, personality, normal and abnormal human development, psychological assessment and treatment and the psychic processes of social relationships. Evaluation of various approaches to these psychological issues.
PSYC 301 - Exploring the Human Experience: Methods and Statistics for Psychology I
In this course, students will acquire a working knowledge of research design, data collection and analysis, and will critically examine foundations and assumptions of scientific psychology. Students will have opportunities to develop statistical skills while learning about the psychological research contexts in which these statistical tools are used. Topics will include epistemology, ethics, hypothesis development, descriptive statistics, measurement, probability, and naturalistic methods. Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be explored.
PSYC 302 - Exploring the Human Experience: Methods and Statistics for Psychology II
As the second of a two-course sequence, PSYC 302 continues PSYC 301. In this course students are introduced to experimental and quasi-experimental methods and parametric and non-parametric statistics. Discussion of external validity, and continued application of foundational concepts introduced in PSYC 301 will continue and students will be equipped with knowledge and skills to attain social scientific literacy, thoughtful engagement with research, and an ability to design, conduct, and analyze psychological research.
PSYC 310 - Qualitative Methods
This course concentrates on the philosophical underpinnings, contemporary perspectives, and research methods and strategies employed by qualitative and community engaged researchers. Selected qualitative methods to be explored include: qualitative interviewing, focus groups, ethnography, action research, narrative inquiry, and photovoice. We will also examine the process of qualitative inquiry, such as designing and planning qualitative projects, data collection, coding techniques, data analysis, and communicating the results of research. Students will consider the interplay between qualitative research, social justice, and social change and apply their knowledge in a community engaged research project.
PSYC 320 - Cultural Psychology
Cultural psychology is the study of the way culture and the psychological are intertwined. The diversity of cultural traditions in the world and across history manifests in a corresponding diversity of ways of understanding, expressing, and enacting "the mental" and "the self". The strong value placed in modern Western culture on individualism proves a peculiar exception to the rule of more social, collectivist understandings of experience and agency, especially worthy of reflection in the context of contemporary globalization. Topics to be covered included: ethnocentrism, universalism, criticisms of psychology as "culture-blind", cross-cultural psychology vs. indigenization vs. indeginous psychologys, psychological anthropology, and cultural relativism vs. moral relativism.
PSYC 327 - Between Science And Fiction: The Intersection of Psychology and Literature
Human being, whether explored through themes of identity, self, or character, is a constantly evolving narrative we construct of ourselves and others. This course examines the intersection of psychological and literary narratives as they construct human being, and emphasizes how storytelling is a vital yet undervalued notion in contemporary society. We will question how human identity is created and communicated, while exploring the fringes of socially accepted behaviour to examine how norms are established, upheld, and challenged both in literature and psychology.
PSYC 333 - Psychology of Religion
An introduction to religion viewed from psychological perspectives. In this course the student will gain: 1. An acquaintance with religious themes as exemplified in myths, rituals, and diverse practices of different religions, 2. An introduction to a variety of psychological approaches to religion (naturalistic, humanistic, phenomenological, comparative, psychoanalytic), and 3. A critical appreciation of the ethically sensitive and methodologically difficult issues involved with the study of religion and religiosity (such as ethnocentrism and reductionism) from a Christian faith perspective. The reading of primary text(s) will be an essential part of the course.
PSYC 336 - Community Psychology
Community psychology is concerned with the ways society impacts upon individual and community functioning and how psychological, mental health, and crime problems, for example, are often created and maintained by poverty, social injustice, marginalization, and other forms of oppression. Issues of diversity, multiculturalism and racism, of primary prevention and of mobilizing and empowering communities to bring about social change are discussed in a Canadian context. Group projects and various guest speakers will provide relevant experience in community psychology.
PSYC 338 - Psychology of Sport and Exercise
This course is designed to introduce students to the relationship between psychological factors and sport and physical activity. There will be two main themes of this course -how psychological factors influence performance and experience in sport and physical activity and how sport and exercise influence psychological well-being. Students will learn to apply sport psychology theories to real situations such as coaching, sports medicine, physical education, health promotion, and training.
PSYC 340 - Social Psychology
An introduction to the relationship between individuality and social context. The course covers the history of the field and its relationship to sociology. Classic social psychological experiments will be reviewed and current research and trends explored. Topics include: social cognition and perception, authority and obedience, conformity, the self, attitudes and prejudice, attraction, aggression, and altruism.
PSYC 341 - Psychology of Exceptional Children and Adolescents
This course provides an overview of the major intellectual, academic, emotional, behavioural, sensory and physical exceptionalities that are encountered in classroom settings. Course participants will learn about the challenges and joys these exceptionalities pose for teaching and learning. Students will also examine such topics as the identification and diagnosis of these exceptionalities and the preparation of appropriate Individualized Educational Programs (I.E.P.'s). Through the seminar component, participants will become familiar with exceptional children and/or adolescents through credited volunteer activities.
PSYC 351 - Childhood and Adolescence
This course examines the psychology of human development and change during infancy, early, middle and late childhood, and early and late adolescence. The dimensions of development to be investigated include the physical, cognitive, emotional, social, academic, moral and religious aspects.
PSYC 352 - Adult Development and Aging
This course examines the psychology of human development and change from early adulthood to death. Specifically, development is considered chronologically in the sequence of early, middle and late adulthood. Along with the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, moral and religious changes that occur in these years, we will also examine developmental responses to the challenges of changing careers, family structures, social tasks, psychological functions and faith commitments.
PSYC 363 - Cognition
This course explores the activities and products of the human mind - how does thinking happen? Imagination? Creativity? How do we know what we know and how do we operate on that knowledge to solve problems? Topics include attention and consciousness, pattern recognition and perception, language, thinking and problem-solving, imagery, representation of knowledge, and artificial intelligence.
PSYC 370 - Ethology
An overview of the evolution, function and development of animal behavior. Evolutionary processes (e.g. selection and adaptation); physiological processes (e.g. the nervous system and behavior); the behavior of individuals (e.g. development, learning, mating), and the ecology of behavior (e.g. foraging) are discussed.
PSYC 375 - Brain and Behavior
A study of the relation between biology and behavior in humans. Topics include mind/brain issues, brain development, genes and behavior, structure and function of the nervous system, brain disorders, biopsychology of motivated disorders, drug abuse and lateralization. Foundational issues as well as biological details will be emphasized.
PSYC 378 - Biopsychology of Human Sexuality
This course explores biopsychological perspectives on human sexuality from within a historical, cultural, and relational context. Topics include methods of studying sexuality, sexual differentiation, the roles of genes and hormones in sexual experience and expression, sexual diversity and sexual abnormalities. Human sexual identities and experiences emerge from dynamic interactions among biological, psychological, social, and cultural elements. The course also critically considers what it means to be sexual beings in a complex and changing world, and how we can be agents of sexual reconciliation and transformation in our culture.
PSYC 385 - Leadership
This course includes an overview of the various approaches to leadership theory, including trait-based, skills-based, situational, contingency, path-goal, leader-member exchange, transformational and servant leadership, and others. Leadership issues examined include: leadership development, roles of followers, management vs leadership, personality, faith perspectives, personal values, group status and dynamics.
PSYC 390 - Psychology of Personality
A survey of classical and contemporary theories of personality with reference to the personal histories of their originators and to the structure, dynamics and function of the theories within their cultural context.
PSYC 395 - Abnormal Psychology
A survey of the various psychological disorders, their clinical description, developmental background and treatment approaches. Included are the anxiety and mood disorders, psychosomatic, dissociative, eating and sleep disorders, sexual, substance use and personality disorders, schizophrenia developmental and cognitive disorders. Mental health policy and social issues will also be discussed.
PSYC 396 - Health Psychology
In this course students will examine theoretical explanations and empirical evidence concerning the influence of psychological factors on health and illness. Students will learn about clinical practice in the field of health psychology and learn how to approach assessment and intervention with knowledge of the biological,psychological, social, and spiritual factors that interact to influence health and illness. Topics of study will include an introduction and brief history of health psychology and three primary modules: stress, illness and coping, health behavior change and health promotion and the management of chronic and life-threatening illness.
PSYC 398 - Contemporary Issues in Psychology
Theoretical, ethical and methodological foundations of psychology are explored through reading, discussion and development of a research question, with emphasis on understanding these foundations as relevant to contemporary issues. Integrating a Christian faith perspective to psychology as a discipline, interdisciplinarity, and practical applications are themes foregrounded for discussion and explicit treatment. All students graduating from the 3-year psychology program are required to take this course in the final year of their degree; all students in the 4-year psychology program are required to take this course in the third year of their degree.
PSYC 399 - Special Topics in Psychology
An introduction to particular topics or figures of special interest to a member of the Psychology faculty and offered on a non-recurring basis. This course is intended for students in any year of study.
PSYC 420 - History of Psychology
A study of the main concepts and major schools of psychology in their historical development. This course traces the development of psychology from its earlier status as a branch of philosophy to its present status as a special science.
PSYC 465 - Learning and Memory
This course examines how behavior is affected by experience (learning) and how organisms retain those experiences so that they can affect behavior in the future (memory). Theories of learning, such as classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and imitation, are discussed as well as mechanisms for storing and retrieving learned information.
PSYC 470 - Ecopsychology
An exploration of the psychological dimensions of our dependence on God's creation and our responsibility to care for it. The psychological contributions to and consequences of environmental problems, and the potential for psychological intervention, will be examined from a Christian perspective.
PSYC 473 - Sensation and Perception
An examination of the processes by which humans receive, select, analyze and interpret sensory information, and the factors which influence what is ultimately perceived. Topics include psychophysical methods, the visual system, the auditory system, the chemical senses, skin senses and perceptual development.
PSYC 475 - Neuroscience
Building on the foundation of PSYC 375/BIOL 364 (Brain and Behavior), this course explores brain structure and function, methods of brain research, brain damage and disease, and various applied topics such as the influence of the microbiome, exercise, and meditation on brain function and psychological well-being. Also examined is the influence, value, and limitations of neuroscience on views of the human person in context.
PSYC 477 - Evolution, Genes and Behavior
This course examines how evolutionary psychology and behavior genetics can illuminate our embodied nature, and explores the strengths, limitations and implications of these approaches for understanding the human cycle. This course also examines how research and theorizing in these two areas are influencing culture, via the media.
PSYC 485 - Senior Research 1
Students will develop research skills, professional skills, and vocational insight. They will develop professionally by identifying transferable skills, learning how to enter and navigate graduate studies or the professional world, and building their writing and speaking abilities. Vocational insight will be gained through reading, reflection, and discussion on topics of identity, purpose, and calling. Research skills will be developed through involvement in a sustained research project that is either part of a faculty member's research program and/or a Community-Engaged Research project in partnership with an agency.
PSYC 486 - Senior Seminar 1
In this course, students will develop research skills, professional skills, and vocational insight. The research component further develops knowledge and skill at using basic research tools, and becoming more thoughtful and critical in finding and evaluating academic research and using it in applied settings. This will occur through a series of research activities and exercises. Students will develop their professional identities by identifying transferable skills, learning how to enter and navigate graduate studies or the professional world, and building their writing and speaking abilities. Vocational insight will be gained through reading, reflection, and discussion on topics of identity, purpose, and calling.
PSYC 490 - Communication and Counselling Skills
An introduction to and practical application of basic communication and counselling skills. Students will learn to use the various skills in lab sessions. Acquisition of these skills will allow students to improve communication in their relationships and enable them to facilitate client communication in a counselling setting.
PSYC 492 - Clinical Psychology
This course examines the scientific foundations and theoretical orientations that guide clinical psychologists. Topics covered include contemporary methods of assessing, diagnosing and treating those with psychological, relational and mental health problems. The importance of developing good clinical judgment and the value of working with clients in a community context is highlighted.
PSYC 493 - Psychology of Testing and Measurement
This course provide a foundation for understanding psychological testing and measurement principles and developing skills in psychological assessment. The clinical, ethical, legal, and practical issues concerning psychological assessment and the place of testing in psychological practice will be examined.
PSYC 494 - Advanced Topics in Psychology
In-depth examination and discussion of a specific topic in psychology. Specific topic(s) for the year will be posted prior to the spring registration period, and earlier if possible. This course is intended for students in the third or fourth year of a four-year psychology program and will build on previous courses in the program.
PSYC 495 - Senior Research 2
This course is a continuation of PSYC 485. Students will continue to develop research skills, professional skills, and vocational insight. They will develop professionally by identifying transferable skills, learning how to enter and navigate graduate studies or the professional world, and building their writing and speaking abilities. Vocational insight will be gained through reading, reflection, and discussion on topics of identity, purpose, and calling. Research skills will continue to be developed through involvement in the research project started during PSYC 485. Outcomes of those projects may involve interim or final agency reports, research manuscripts, posters, conference presentations, or other suitable publication venues.
PSYC 496 - Senior Seminar 2
This course is a continuation of PSYC 486. Students will further develop research and professional skills and vocational insight. This occurs through skill-specific training, exercises, readings and assignments.
PSYC 497 - Research Practicum in Psychology
This course is designed for students with an interest in conducting an independent research project in psychology. This project may be an independent study conducted at the University, a cooperative project with a community group or agency, or a collaborative project with a senior investigator. Each student is required to submit a proposal for a project, and receive approval for the project, before being enrolled in the course.
PSYC 499 - Directed Studies in Psychology
An opportunity to do intensive study of a special topic of particular interest to a student. Students work closely with a faculty member in tutorial meetings. Students must apply in advance to the faculty member.