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Getting to the Heart of What you Want

Nov 17, 2016

(Fall 2016)

“What’s Love Got to Do with It? Getting to the Heart of What You Want,” featured keynotes by newly arrived Associate Professor of Philosophy, Neal DeRoo.

What do you really want? How do you think what you’re doing at this university will help you get it? The answer to these questions is ultimately a “faith” answer—not because it will somehow show you what you really believe, but because faith isn’t primarily about what you believe.

We are all driven by a deep-seated desire for something at our core —a comfortable middle-class lifestyle, fulfilling work, a sense of safety and security, some element of control over our lives. Our smaller, everyday desires are driven by deeper desires, which are themselves driven by deeper desires, all the way down to one basic, overarching desire. This ultimate desire—this basic love—shapes everything that we do with our lives. Perhaps nothing is more important for us than to know what we want—what we really, really want.

Keynote Speaker
Read more of Neal’s articles at, an online publication of the Andreas Center for Reformed Scholarship and Service. Neal is the founding editor of “In All Things” and is a regular contributor.


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