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New Hobbies to Try in Quarantine

Apr 09, 2020

Well, it’s been four weeks since we have been stuck in quarantine and doing school from home. Whether you’re bored out of your mind, or too busy to think about anything other than school work, I have made a list of some new hobbies that you can pick up again or try for the first time while you’re stuck at home.

I know, this one seems boring. But once you get going, believe me you won’t want to stop! I learned how to knit from my Mom, but if you don’t have someone who can teach you, YouTube videos work great as well!

Learn a New Language
Learning a language can seem like a very difficult and daunting task. But with so much spare time, it’s worth it to try now! Some helpful resources and tools to help you learn include the Duolingo app, Babbel, and Beelinguapp. Personally, I have only tried Duolingo, but there are great reviews on the other two resources. If those don’t work for you there’s lots of others online!

Learn how to play a new instrument
Dust off that old guitar and start strumming! There are lots and lots of tools online that you can learn from. When I’m learning a new song or just need to pick up some old skills, I normally look up YouTube tutorials.

Take advantage of this free time to try some new and fun recipes! I found a few recipes that look and sound delicious including Minty Chocolate Cream Cheese Bars, Strawberry cake, and Sweet Potato Biscuits.

This one might sound kind of silly, but it can actually be very relaxing. Luckily adult colouring books are super popular right now. If you don’t have one you could check out Amazon, or Chapters, they have a wide selection!

Puzzles are a great multitasking activity. I enjoy doing puzzles with a friend, even went the conversation isn’t moving you can both have something to focus on. They can even be a great activity to do when you’re facetiming a friend!

Painting or Drawing
Practice those artistic skills. Even if you don’t think you’re necessarily that artistic, drawing and painting can be super fun. If coming up with an idea doesn’t come easily, I find it best to find a picture and try to mimic it when drawing. After a first draft it’s easier to make something unique and my own.

I know I have a bunch of books collecting dust on my shelf that I haven’t gotten the chance to read yet.  I’m definitely going to take advantage of all my free time to read some of those books, and you should too!

These are just a few fun hobbies that you can pick up during your free time. I’m sure there are plenty more and maybe you’ve already picked up an old hobby. But either way

Happy Quarantine,

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