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Stress Awareness Month: Student Supports at King's

Apr 14, 2020

Since 1992, April has been celebrated as stress awareness month. Health care professionals across many countries join forces to increase public awareness about this worldwide phenomenon we call stress.

Not only is stress overwhelming, it is also natural; this is why many supports exist because we know that stress happens to everyone and a little help can go a long way. At King’s, we have our share of various supports for students to not only help them with academic stress but the kinds of stress that other areas in life can sometimes put on us. Our supports are divided into four streams to make sure that we can accommodate every individual’s needs:

Academic & Accessibility Support
This involves access to tutoring for all students and making course and testing accommodations for students with documented disabilities, including allowing a suitable place for test taking that isn’t the classroom, for those who need it. That is what our Academic Enrichment Centre is for! Those in academic support also help with notetaking and essay writing assistance. The people you can find in this area are:
Leonard FehrWriting Center Coordinator
Barbara Hein – Student Support and Accessibility Coordinator
Kristin Lemke – Student Support and Accessibility Coordinator

Spiritual Support
At King’s, spiritual support is very strong. We have lots of people who are willing to add to your spiritual experience and walk alongside you through your journey here at King’s. These wonderful supporters consist of:
Tim Wood – Campus Minister
Melanie Salte – Worship Leader
Bob Foo – Spiritual Mentor and Life Coach
Ministry Assistants – Current students who work alongside Tim and connect with other students.

Community Support
King’s really values community and connecting with people on multiple levels. We have a great group of staff who work to continue fostering community amongst King’s students. This is our Student Life team:
Angela Troschke – Student Life Administrative Assistant
Megan Viens – Dean of Students
Kayla Engel – International Student Programming Coordinator
Witty Sandle – Student Engagement Coordinator
Nate Wright
– Residence Life Coordinator

Wellness Support
Apart from community and relationships, King’s also believes that wellness is a huge part to your success here. Our wellness support is spearheaded by the wonderful Val Martens.
Val Martens – Community Wellness Coordinator, Spiritual Mentor and Life Coach
The Peer Support Team – Current students who have been trained in stress and crisis management, and who are available to meet with you in the wellness room if you need someone to talk to.

The list of supports at King’s can go on and on. There are also a variety of supports outside of King’s that can also support you not just this month but every day! Knowing there are different supports where you are is a first good step. A healthy you is a happy you!

Yours Truly,

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