Justice Fellowship
Learn about justice issues in Edmonton, Mexico, and around the world by participating in The King’s University’s Justice Fellowship. All Justice Fellowship credits count towards your King’s degree program.
Through conversations with peace and justice activists in Mexico, homelessness advocates in Edmonton, local Indigenous leaders, King’s professors, and your fellow students, this year-long fellowship incorporated into the academic year will open your eyes to the many ways you can live a life of justice, love, and mercy in a broken world.
As part of the Justice Fellowship you will have opportunities to:
- Experience first-hand encounters with communities experiencing poverty and injustice in Mexico, Edmonton’s inner-city, and throughout Alberta.
- Observe community development programs at home and abroad.
- Examine the needs and gifts of vulnerable communities.
- Carefully examine biblical teachings about justice, reconciliation, and poverty.
- Learn from fellow students who share your passion for making the world a better, more just, and more peaceful place.

What is the Justice Fellowship?
Offered every other year, the Justice Fellowship is a year-long interdisciplinary experience of community-building, exposure, and learning with a strong focus on out-of-the-classroom learning. The Justice Fellowship consists of five courses (15 credits) that focus on the principles and practice of justice, development, and reconciliation from a faith perspective.
The initiative is facilitated by The Micah Centre’s Program Director and led by a variety of King’s faculty and local justice leaders. The goal of the initiative? That students will have a better understanding of biblical justice and be empowered to heed the prophet Micah’s call to "do justice and love mercy" in their lives and the lives of their communities.
Courses emphasize experiential learning and exposure through visits with various communities, leaders, and organizations:
- Residents of a squatters' settlement in Cuernevaca, Mexico
- Men and women experiencing homelessness in Edmonton
- Students and leaders at a local Indigenous college
- Survivors of Canada’s Residential School system
- Historians passionate about telling Canada’s whole story
- Inmates and former inmates of local federal prisons
- Young people in Mexico who have crossed the border into the United States
- Sociologists committed to listening to the voices of the marginalized
- El Salvadoran refugees living in Mexico
- Local housing activists
Begin your Justice Fellowship today
Ready to begin King's Justice Fellowship? Enroll today by scheduling an interview with Jonathan Nicolai-deKoning, Micah Centre Program Director. Speak to the Micah Centre Program Director today to hear about current Justice Fellowship offerings! Past Justice Fellowship courses have included:
- HIST399: Histories of Health, Disability, and Racial Justice
- THEO 374 - Biblical Theology of Justice: Micah's Challenge
- SSCI 330 - Quest Mexico
- SSCI 314 - Issues in Social, Political and Environmental Justice
- SOCI399: Social Sustainability
- HIST399: Treaties and Truth: Decolonization and Reconciliation
- SOCI/HIST335: Africa: Past and Present
- XXX499: Directed Study (topic to be determined by student, faculty members, and Micah Centre director)