About the Micah Centre

"Hope has two beautiful daughters: their names are anger and courage--anger at the way things are and courage to see they do not remain that way.

St. Augustine

The Micah Centre is an interdisciplinary initiative established at The King's University to foster greater understanding and action among students, faculty, and the community at large around issues of global poverty, peacemaking, and social justice.

It aims to bring the claims of the Hebrew prophet, “to love justice, to show mercy, and to walk humbly with God,” into the global context of unrelenting hunger, massive displacement of people from their homes, children at war, HIV/AIDS, globalized inequalities, and environmental destruction.

As followers of Christ, we are called to be agents of hope, to transform our communities at home and abroad, and work towards a more kind and merciful world. The Micah Centre is involved in several large projects around the world from Mexico to Bangladesh and is passionate about transforming lives and communities.

Through experiential learning, the Justice and Development Certificate, guest lectures, and special learning opportunities, the Micah Centre explores the implications of seeking justice in today’s global context and provides students with interdisciplinary and experiential learning, especially about the multiple causes and consequences of poverty and holistic and transformational responses to it.

Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

Micah 6:8

Micah Student Society (MSS)

MSS is the student chapter of the Micah Centre. Members of MSS have hosted faith and development conferences, participated in urban renewal and ministry programs across the country, led chapel services, collected food for inner-city residents, held an HIV/AIDS awareness campaign, and lobbied the civic government to establish a local day of Millennium Development Goals awareness. Run by students for students, MSS's goal is to promote action and change regarding issues of social injustice at both the local and global level. Students help each other advocate for radical change and make an informed difference in this broken world.